The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Joel 1

1:1The word of the lord which came to Joel the son of Pethuel.

1:2Hear these things, O elders, and give ear all dwelling the land! Have such things taken place in your days, or in the days of your fathers?

1:3Concerning them, describe to your children, and your children to their children, and their children unto another generation!

1:4The things remaining of the caterpillar the locust devoured; and the things remaining of the locust the grasshopper devoured; and the things remaining of the grasshopper the blight devoured.

1:5Sober up, O ones being intoxicated from their wine! Weep and wail all drinking the wine unto intoxication! for it was lifted away from your mouth.

1:6For a nation ascended upon my land, one strong and innumerable. His teeth are as lion's teeth, and his molars as cubs.

1:7He appointed my grapevine for extinction, and my fig-trees for a splinter. In searching he searched it, and tossed it down; he whitened its branches.

1:8Wail to me more than a bride being girded with sackcloth for the husband of her virginity.

1:9The sacrifice and the libation offering have been lifted away from the house of the lord. Mourn, O priests! ministers of the lord,

1:10for the plains languish. Mourn, O earth, for the grain languishes! the wine was dried up, the olive oil lessened.

1:11The farmers were withered. Wail for your possessions, for the wheat and barley; for the gathering of crops he has destroyed from out of the field!

1:12The grapevine was dried up, and the fig-trees were lessened; pomegranate, and palm, and apple and all the trees of the field were dried up; for the sons of men shamed joy.

1:13Gird and beat yourselves, O priests! Wail, O ones ministering at the altar! Enter, sleep in sackcloths! O ones ministering to God. for the sacrifice offering and libation offering are at a distance from the house of your God.

1:14Sanctify a fast! Proclaim a sacred service! Bring together elders! all the ones dwelling the land, into the house of the lord your God. And cry out to the lord fervently!

1:15Woe, woe, woe for the day, for the day of the lord is near, and as misery from misery, it shall come.

1:16Were not foods lifted away in front of your eyes? from out of the house of your God gladness and joy?

1:17Heifers leap in their stables, treasures are obliterated, wine vats were razed, for the grain was dried up.

1:18What shall we put aside for ourselves? The herds of oxen weep, for no pasture exists to them; and the flocks of the sheep were obliterated.

1:19To you, O lord, we shall yell. For fire consumed the beautiful things of the wilderness, and a flame incinerated all the trees of the field.

1:20And the cattle of the plain look up to you, for the releases of waters were dried up, and fire devoured the beautiful things of the wilderness.