The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hosea 14

14:1Return, O Israel, to the lord your God! for you are weakened by your iniquities.

14:2Take after your own words, and return to the lord! Speak to him! so that you should not receive for your iniquities, and so that you should receive good things, and we will recompense the fruit of our lips.

14:3Assyria in no way shall deliver us; upon a horse we shall not ascend; no longer in any way should we say, Our gods -- to the works of our hands. The one among you shall show mercy on the orphan.

14:4I will repair their dwellings; I will love them confessedly, for my anger turned away from them;

14:5and I will be as dew to Israel; he shall bloom as a lily, and shall cast his roots as Lebanon.

14:6His branches shall go forth, and he will be as a fruitful olive, and his smell as Lebanon.

14:7They shall return and sit under his protection; they shall live and shall be fixed firmly in grain, and they shall blossom as a grapevine. The memorial of him is as the wine of Lebanon.

14:8To Ephraim, what is there to him yet and to idols? I humbled him, and I shall strengthen him. I am as a juniper being dense. From me your fruit has been found.

14:9Who is wise, and perceives these things? discerning, and recognizes them? For straight are the ways of the lord, and the just shall go by them; but the impious shall weaken in them.