The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Amos 4

4:1Hear this word, O heifers of the land of Bashan! the ones in the mountain of Samaria, the ones tyrannizing over the poor, and trampling upon the needy; the ones saying to their masters, Give over to us so that we should drink!

4:2The lord swears an oath according to his holy things, For behold, days come upon you when they shall take you with weapons; and the ones with you they shall put into kettles being fired up with pestilent fires.

4:3And you shall be brought forth naked in front of one another, and you shall be thrown onto mount Renmon, says the lord.

4:4You entered into Beth-el, and were impious; and in Gilgal you multiplied to be impious; and you brought in the morning of your sacrifice offerings in the third day of your tithes.

4:5And they read outside the law, and called for an acknowledgment offering. Announce! that the sons of Israel loved these things, says the lord.

4:6And I will give to you an ache of teeth among all your cities, and lack of bread loaves in all your places; and you did not return to me, says the lord.

4:7And I withheld from you the rain before the three months of the gathering of crops; and I shall rain upon one city, but upon one other city I will not rain; one portion there shall be rain, and the portion upon which I shall not rain shall be dry.

4:8And the inhabitants of two or three cities shall be gathered together to one city to drink water; and in no way shall they be filled up. And you returned not to me, says the lord.

4:9I struck you with burning fire and with jaundice. You multiplied your gardens. Your vineyards, and your fig groves, and your olive groves -- the caterpillar devoured them. And neither thus you returned to me, says the lord.

4:10I sent to you plague in the way of Egypt. I killed your young men by the broadsword, with a captivity of your horses. And I led your camps by fire in your anger, and neither thus you returned to me, says the lord.

4:11I eradicated you as God eradicated Sodom and Gomorrah, and you became as a firebrand being pulled out from burning; and neither thus you returned to me, says the lord.

4:12On account of this, thus I will do to you, O Israel. Furthermore that thus I will do to you, you prepare to call upon your God, O Israel!

4:13For behold, the one stiffening thunder, and creating wind, and reporting unto men his graciousness, producing the dawn and fog, and mounting upon the heights of the earth -- the lord God almighty is his name.