The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Amos 3

3:1Hear this word! which the lord spoke concerning you, O house of Israel, even against every tribe of which I led from out of the land of Egypt, saying,

3:2Only you I knew from out of all the tribes of the earth. On account of this I will take vengeance upon you for all your sins.

3:3Shall two go together altogether if they do not make themselves known to each other, no.

3:4Shall a lion bellow from out of his forest not having game, no. Shall a cub utter his voice from out of his haven altogether, if anything should not have been seized, no.

3:5Shall a bird fall upon the earth without a fowler, no. Shall a snare be opened up upon the earth without seizing anything, no.

3:6Shall the trumpet sound out loud in the city, and the people shall not be terrified, no. Shall hurt be in a city which the lord did it not, no.

3:7For in no way shall the lord God make a thing that he should not uncover instruction to his servants the prophets.

3:8A lion shall bellow, and who will not be fearful? The lord God spoke, and who will not prophesy?

3:9Announce it to the places among the Assyrians, and unto the places in the land of Egypt! And say, Gather together upon the mountain of Samaria, and behold many wonders in the midst of her, and the tyranny in her!

3:10And he knew not what will be before her, says the lord, the ones treasuring up injustice and misery in their regions.

3:11On account of this, thus says the lord God, Tyre and round about your land shall be made desolate; and he shall lead out of you your strength, and shall tear in pieces your regions.

3:12Thus says the lord, In which manner the shepherd should pull out from the mouth of the lion two legs or a lobe of an ear, so shall the sons of Israel be pulled out, the ones dwelling in Samaria before a foreign tribe, and in Damascus.

3:13O priests, hear and attest to the house of Jacob! says the lord God almighty.

3:14For in the day whenever I shall avenge the impious deeds of Israel upon him, also I will take vengeance upon the altars of Beth-el. And the horns of the altar shall be razed, and shall fall upon the ground.

3:15I will confound and I will strike the turreted house upon the harvest house; and the ivory houses shall be destroyed, and many other houses shall be added, says the lord.