The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 41

41:1Dedicate a feast to me, O islands, for the rulers shall change strength. Let them approach and speak together, then let them announce judgment!

41:2Who awakened righteousness from the east, called it by his feet, and it shall go? He shall appoint against nations, and he shall recede kings, and he shall put their swords into the earth, and their bows as sticks being pushed out.

41:3And he shall pursue them; the way of his feet shall go through in peace.

41:4Who exerted energy and did these things? He called her -- the one calling her from the beginning of generations; I God, the first and into the coming, I am.

41:5Nations beheld and they feared; the tips of the earth are startled; they approached and came together,

41:6judging each for the neighbor, and helping for the brother; and shall say,

41:7The man was strong -- the fabricator, and the brazier beating with a hammer forging together; how long then shall he say, The coupling is good, they strengthened them with nails; they shall establish them, and it shall not be moved.

41:8But you, O Israel my servant, Jacob whom I chose, seed of Abraham whom I loved;

41:9whom I took hold of from the uttermost parts of the earth; and from out of its heights I called you; and I said to you, You are my servant; I chose you, and I did not abandon you.

41:10Do not fear! for I am with you. Do not wander! for I am your God; the one strengthening you, and I will give help to you, and safeguard you by my just right hand.

41:11Behold, all your adversaries shall be ashamed and shall be respectful, for they will be as not existing; and all your opponents shall perish.

41:12You shall seek them, and in no way shall you find the men who shall insult while drunk with wine against you; for they shall be as ones not being; and the ones waging war against you shall not be.

41:13For I am your God, the one holding your right hand, the one saying to you,

41:14Do not fear, O Jacob, O Israel, very few in number! I gave help to you, says your God, the one ransoming you, O Israel.

41:15Behold, I made you as wheels of a wagon threshing -- new, toothed; and you shall thresh the mountains, and shall thin out the hills, and make them as dust.

41:16And you shall winnow them, and a wind shall take them, and the gale shall scatter them. But you shall be glad among the holy ones of Israel.

41:17And the poor and the ones lacking will exult; for they shall seek water and none will be; their tongue was dried up from the thirst. I the lord shall heed, the God of Israel, and I will not abandon them.

41:18But I will open rivers upon the mountains, and springs in the midst of plains; I will make the wilderness into marshes of waters, and the thirsting ground in aqueducts.

41:19I will put into the waterless earth the cedar and boxwood, and myrtle, and cypress, and white poplar;

41:20that they should behold, and should know, and should reflect on, and should have knowledge of together that the hand of the lord did these things, and the holy one of Israel introduced them.

41:21Your judgment approaches, says the lord God; your counsels approached, says the king of Jacob.

41:22Let them approach and announce to you! what shall come to pass, or the things prior to what it was you said. And we will attend our mind, and we shall know what the last things and the ones coming are.

41:23Tell to us! announce the things coming at the latter end! and we shall know that you are gods. Do good and do evil! and we shall wonder, and we shall see at the same time;

41:24for from what place you are, and from what place your work is from; they chose you an abomination out of the earth.

41:25But I raised up the one from the north, and the one from the sun eastward; they shall be called by my name; let the rulers come! and as clay of a potter, and as a potter trampling down the clay, so you shall be trampled.

41:26For who shall announce the things from the beginning, that we should know also the things happening before, and we shall say that they are true? There is not the one speaking beforehand, nor one hearing your words.

41:27I will give sovereignty to Zion, and I will comfort Jerusalem in the way.

41:28For from the nations, behold, there was no one; and from their idols there was not one announcing. And if I should ask them, From what place are you? in no way should they answer me.

41:29For they are the ones making you, so you say, and in folly ones misleading you.