The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Zechariah 3

3:1And the lord showed to me Joshua the great priest standing in front of the angel of the lord, and the devil standing at the right of him, being an adversary against him.

3:2And the lord said to the devil, May the lord reproach against you, O devil, and may the lord reproach against you, the one choosing Jerusalem. Is this not a firebrand being pulled out of the fire?

3:3And Joshua was being clothed with filthy garments, and he stood in front of the angel.

3:4And the angel responded and said to the ones standing in front of him, saying, Remove the filthy garments from him! And he said to him, Behold, I took your iniquities. And you clothe him in a foot length robe!

3:5And he said, Place also a mitre and a clean turban upon his head! And they placed a mitre and a clean turban upon his head. And they put garments around him. And the angel of the lord stood.

3:6And the angel of the lord testified to Joshua, saying,

3:7Thus says the lord almighty, If you should go in my ways, and should keep guard my orders, then you shall litigate my house; and you shall guard my courtyard, and I will give to you ones pacing in the midst of these standing.

3:8Hear indeed, O Joshua the great priest! you and your neighbors, the ones sitting down before in front of you. For they are men that are observers of signs. For behold, I will bring my servant -- rising.

3:9For the stone which I put before the face of Joshua; upon the one stone are seven eyes. Behold, I dig an excavation, says the lord almighty; and I will handle all the injustice of the land in one day.

3:10In that day, says the lord almighty, you shall call together each his neighbor underneath a grapevine and underneath a fig-tree.