The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Zephaniah 3

3:1O the prominent and ransomed city, the dove.

3:2She did not listen to your voice; she did not take instruction; she had not relied upon the lord, and to her God she did not approach.

3:3Her rulers among her are as lions roaring. Her judges are as wolves of Arabia; they did not remain behind into the morning.

3:4Her prophets are men carried by the wind -- despisers. Her priests profane the holy things, and they are impious against the law.

3:5But the righteous lord is in the midst of her, and in no way shall he do an unjust thing. Morning by morning he executes his judgment in light, and it was not concealed. And he does not know injustice by exaction, and neither injustice by altercation.

3:6I tore down the proud; their corners were obliterated; I shall make quite desolate their ways thoroughly, so as to not travel through. their cities vanished by reason of no one to exist nor to dwell in them.

3:7I said, Furthermore fear me, and receive instruction! and in no way shall you be utterly destroyed from before her eyes, for all as much vengeance as I brought upon her. Prepare! Rise early! all their gleaning is ruined.

3:8On account of this wait for me, says the lord, for the day of my rising up, for a testimony! For my judgment shall be for a gathering of nations, to take kings, to pour out upon them all of my anger, the anger of my rage. For all the earth shall be consumed by the fire of my zeal.

3:9For then I will transfer upon the peoples one tongue for her generation, for all to call upon the name of the lord, to serve him under one yoke.

3:10From the limits of the rivers of Ethiopia I will welcome the ones of mine having been dispersed; they shall bring sacrifices to me.

3:11In that day in no way shall you be disgraced from all of your practices which you were impious against me. For then I shall remove from you the careless attitudes of your insolence, and no longer should you proceed to make great brag over my holy mountain.

3:12And I will leave behind among you a gentle people, and humble; and they shall show reverence at the name of the lord --

3:13the remnant of Israel; and they shall not commit iniquity, and they shall not speak vanity, and in no way should there be found in their mouth a deceitful tongue. For they shall feed, and shall lay in bed, and there will not be one frightening them.

3:14Rejoice, O daughter of Zion! Proclaim out loud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Be glad and delight yourself with your entire heart, O daughter of Jerusalem!

3:15The lord removed your offences; he has ransomed you from out of the hand of your enemies. The king of Israel -- the lord in the midst of you. You shall not see the bad things any longer.

3:16In that time the lord shall say to Jerusalem, Be of courage, O Zion, do not neglect your hands!

3:17The lord your God among you; the mighty one shall deliver you; he shall bring upon you gladness, and shall revive you in his affection; and he shall be glad over you with delight as in the day of the holiday feast.

3:18And I will gather your ones being broken. Woe, any taken scorning upon her.

3:19Behold, I will act among you, because of you in that time. And I will deliver her being pressured; and will take her being thrust away; and I will establish them for boasting and fame in all the earth.

3:20And their enemies shall be disgraced in that time, whenever I should do well with you, and in the time whenever I should take you in. For I will make you famous and for boasting among all the peoples of the earth, in my returning your captivity before your eyes, says the lord.