The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Zephaniah 2

2:1Be gathered and bound together, O uninstructed nation!

2:2before your becoming as a flower passing the day; before the coming upon you the wrath of the lord; before the coming upon you the day of the wrath of the rage of the lord.

2:3Seek the lord all you humble ones of the earth! Work equity, and seek righteousness, and answer them accordingly! so that you should be sheltered in the day of the wrath of the lord.

2:4For Gaza will be for plundering, and Ashkelon for extinction, and Ashdod at midday shall be cast forth, and Ekron shall be rooted out.

2:5Woe, the ones dwelling the measured out land of the sea -- sojourners of Cretans. The word of the lord is against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines; and I will destroy you of your dwelling.

2:6And Crete shall be a pasture of flocks, and a haven for sheep.

2:7And the measured out piece of land by the sea will be for the remnant of the house of Judah; upon them they shall pasture in the houses of Ashkelon; in the afternoon they shall rest up from in front of the sons of Judah; for the lord their God shall visit them; and he shall return their captivity.

2:8I heard the scorns of Moab, and the ill-treatment by the sons of Ammon, in which they berated my people, and magnified themselves over my borders.

2:9On account of this, as I live, says the lord of the forces, the God of Israel, that Moab will be as Sodom, and the sons of Ammon as Gomorrah, and Damascus ceasing. And it will be as a heap of salt into the eon. And the remnants of my people shall plunder them, and the remnants of my nation shall inherit them.

2:10This is to them for their insolence, because they berated and magnified themselves over the lord almighty.

2:11The lord shall appear against them, and he shall utterly destroy all the gods of the nations of the earth. And they shall do obeisance to him, each from his place -- all the islands of the nations.

2:12And you, O Ethiopians, are the slain of my broadsword.

2:13And he will stretch out his hand against the north. And he shall destroy the Assyrian, and he shall establish Nineveh for a waterless extinction, as a wilderness.

2:14And flocks shall feed in the midst of her, and all the wild beasts of the earth, and chameleons; and hedgehogs shall make a bed in her fretwork, and wild beasts to sound out loud in her ditches, and crows in her gatehouses. For her height was as the cedar.

2:15This is the heedless city, the one dwelling upon hope, who says in her heart, I am, and there is none after me any longer. O how it was for extinction, a pasture of wild beasts. Every one traveling through her shall whistle and shall shake his hands.