The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 103

A psalm to David.

103:1Bless the lord O my soul, and all the things within me, bless his holy name!

103:2Bless the lord O my soul, and forget not all his recompenses!

103:3the one propitiating all your lawlessnesses; the one healing all your diseases;

103:4the one ransoming your life from out of corruption; the one crowning you with mercy and compassions;

103:5the one filling your desire with good things. Your youth shall be renewed as an eagle.

103:6The one doing charity is the lord, and judgment to all the ones having been wronged.

103:7He made known his ways to Moses; to the sons of Israel his wants.

103:8Pitying and merciful is the lord; lenient and full of mercy.

103:9Not unto the end shall he be provoked to anger, nor into the eon will he cherish wrath.

103:10Not according to our lawless deeds did he deal with us; nor according to our sins did he recompense to us.

103:11For as the height of the heaven from the earth, so the lord fortified his mercy upon the ones fearing him.

103:12According to as much as the distance eastwards from westwards, he set afar from us our lawlessnesses.

103:13As a father pities his sons, so the lord pities the ones fearing him.

103:14For he knew our shape, he remembered that we are dust.

103:15Man, as grass, so are his days; as a flower of the field, so he shall blossom.

103:16For as wind goes by him, and it no longer exists, so also he shall not recognize his place any longer.

103:17But the mercy of the lord from the eon, and unto the eon, is upon the ones fearing him. And his righteousness is upon the sons of the sons;

103:18to the ones guarding his covenant, and to the ones remembering his commandments to observe them.

103:19The lord prepared his throne in the heaven, and he is master of all his kingdom.

103:20Bless the lord all you his angels, mighty in strength, executing his word, to hearken to the sound of his words!

103:21Bless the lord, all you his forces! his ministers performing his will.

103:22Bless the lord, all you his works, in every place of his dominion! Bless the lord O my soul!