The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 102

A prayer to the poor whenever he is discouraged, and he should pour out his supplication before the lord.

102:1O lord, listen to my prayer, and let my cry come unto you!

102:2You should not turn your face from me in which ever day I should be afflicted. Lean to me your ear! in which ever day I should call upon you. Quickly heed me!

102:3For my days dissipated as smoke, and my bones are parched as dried sticks.

102:4My heart is struck down as grass and is dried up, so that I forgot to eat my bread.

102:5From the sound of my moaning my bone cleaves to my flesh.

102:6I became like a solitary pelican; I became as the long-eared owl in its area.

102:7I was sleepless and I became as a sparrow living alone upon a roof.

102:8All the day my enemies berated me, and the ones praising me swore an oath against me.

102:9For I ate ashes as bread, and my drink is being diluted with weeping;

102:10because of the face of your anger, and your rage; for having lifted me up you broke me down.

102:11My days declined as a shadow, and I as grass am dried up.

102:12But you, O lord, abide into the eon, and your memorial unto generation and generation.

102:13In your rising up you shall pity Zion, for it is time to pity it, for the time comes.

102:14For your servants thought well of her stones, and shall pity her dust.

102:15And the nations shall fear the name of the lord, and all the kings of the earth your glory.

102:16For the lord shall build up Zion, and he shall appear in his glory.

102:17He looked upon the prayer of the humble, and did not treat their supplication with contempt.

102:18Let this be written for another generation! and the people being created shall praise the lord.

102:19For he looked out from the height of his holy place. The lord looked from heaven upon the earth,

102:20to hear the moaning of the ones being shackled, to untie the sons of the ones being killed,

102:21to announce in Zion the name of the lord, and his praise in Jerusalem,

102:22in the assembling of peoples together, and kings to serve to the lord.

102:23It shall be answered by him in the way of his strength; he announced to me the fewness of my days.

102:24You should not lead me away in half of my days; your years are in generation of generations.

102:25At the beginning, you, O lord, laid a foundation for the earth; and the works of your hands are the heavens.

102:26They shall perish, but you shall abide. And all as a garment shall become old; and as a wrap-around garment you shall coil them, and they shall be changed.

102:27But you are the same, and your years shall not cease.

102:28The sons of your servants shall encamp, and their seed shall conduct matters into the eon.