The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 16

16:1And they departed from Elim, and all the congregation of the sons of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and between Sinai. And on the fifteenth day in the second month they went forth from the land of Egypt.

16:2All the gathering of the sons of Israel complained to Moses and Aaron.

16:3And the sons of Israel said to them, Ought we died being struck by the lord in the land of Egypt, whenever we sat at the kettles of the meats, and ate bread loaves in fullness. For you led us into this wilderness to kill all this congregation by hunger.

16:4And the lord said to Moses, Behold, I rain upon you bread loaves from out of the heaven; and the people shall come forth, and they shall collect together the bread day to day, that I should test them if they shall go by my law or not.

16:5And it will be in the sixth day, and they shall prepare what ever they should carry in, and it shall be double what ever they should bring according to day by day.

16:6And Moses and Aaron said to all the gathering of the sons of Israel, At evening you will know that the lord led you out of the land of Egypt.

16:7And in the morning you will see the glory of the lord, in the hearing of your grumbling against God. And we, what are we that you complain against us?

16:8And Moses said, It is in the the lord giving to you in the evening meats to eat, and bread loaves in the morning for fullness, on account of the lord's hearing your grumbling which you complain against us. But we, what are we? For not is your grumbling against us, but against God.

16:9And Moses said to Aaron, Say to all the congregation of the sons of Israel! Come forward before God! for he has heard your grumbling.

16:10And when Aaron spoke to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, that they turned into the wilderness, and the glory of the lord appeared in a cloud.

16:11And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

16:12I have heard the grumbling of the sons of Israel. Speak to them! saying, Towards evening you shall eat meats, and in the morning you will be filled of bread loaves. And you shall know that I am the lord your God.

16:13And it was evening. And there ascended the mother-quail, and it covered the camp. And in the morning there was a resting of the dew round about the camp.

16:14And behold, upon the face of the wilderness, a thin thing as coriander -- white, as ice upon the earth.

16:15And seeing it, the sons of Israel said, an other to the other, What is this? For they had not known what it was. And Moses said to them, This is the bread which the lord gave to you to eat.

16:16This is the thing which the lord ordered. Bring together of it each for what is fitting! A homer per head, according to the number of your souls; let each with your tents collect together!

16:17And the sons of Israel did so, and they collected together what was much and what was less.

16:18And measuring with the homer, the one which had much was not superabundant, and the one which had less had not too less, for each collected together what was fitting for himself.

16:19And Moses said to them, Let no one leave behind of his into the morning!

16:20And they did not hearken to Moses, but left behind some of it into the morning. And worms erupted, and it stunk. And Moses was embittered over them.

16:21And they collected it together morning by morning, each the fitting thing for himself. And when the sun warmed through, it melted away.

16:22And it happened in the sixth day they collected together the necessary double amount, two homers to the one person. And all the rulers of the congregation entered, and announced to Moses.

16:23And Moses said to them, This word is what the lord spoke. A Sabbath rest, holy to the lord is tomorrow. Whatever as much as you should bake -- bake. And whatever as much as you should boil -- boil! And all that being superabundant leave it for reposit for the morning!

16:24And they left of it into the morning, as Moses ordered them. And it did not stink, nor was there a worm in it.

16:25And Moses said, You eat it today, for it is a Sabbath to the lord! Today you shall not find any in a plain.

16:26Six days you shall collect together, but the seventh day is a Sabbath, for it shall not be found in it.

16:27And it came to pass on the seventh day, and came forth certain ones from the people to collect together, and they did not find.

16:28And the lord said to Moses, For how long will you not listen to my commandments, and my law?

16:29See! for the lord gave to you this Sabbath day. On account of this he gave to you on the sixth day bread loaves for two days. Let each sit down in your houses by himself! Not one of you go forth from out of his place during the seventh day!

16:30And the people observed the Sabbath in the seventh day.

16:31And the sons of Israel named it -- the name of it, Manna. And it was as the seed of coriander -- white. And the taste of it was as pastry with honey.

16:32And Moses said, This is the thing which the lord ordered. Fill the homer of the manna, for reposit for your generations! that they might see the bread which you ate in the wilderness, as the lord led you out of the land of Egypt.

16:33And Moses said to Aaron, Take one golden jar, and put in it a full homer of manna, and put it aside before God for preservation into your generations!

16:34In which manner the lord ordered Moses, even Aaron put it aside before the testimony for preservation.

16:35And the sons of Israel ate the manna forty years, until they came into the land to be lived in. They ate the manna until they came into a part of Phoenicia.

16:36Now the homer was the tenth of three measures.