The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 15

15:1Then they sang, Moses and the sons of Israel, this ode to the lord. And they said, We should sing to the lord, for gloriously he is glorified; horse and rider he tossed into the sea.

15:2Helper and shelterer he became to me for deliverance; this is my God, and I will glorify him; the God of my father, and I will exalt him.

15:3The lord breaking by wars; the lord is his name.

15:4The chariots of Pharaoh, and his force he tossed into the sea; chosen riders -- tribunes he sank in the red sea.

15:5A high sea covered them; they descended unto the bottom of the sea as stone.

15:6Your right hand, O lord, has been glorified in strength; your right hand, O lord, devastated the enemies.

15:7And in the magnitude of your glory you broke the opponents. You sent your anger, and it devoured them as stubble.

15:8And by the breath of your rage the water was parted; as a banked up wall were the waters; and the waves were banked up in the midst of the sea.

15:9The enemy said, In pursuing I shall overtake; I shall portion the spoils; I shall fill up my soul; I will take up my sword; my hand will dominate.

15:10You sent your breath, the sea covered them; they went down as lead in vehement water.

15:11Who is likened to you among gods, O lord? Who is likened to you, being glorified among holy ones, wonderful in glories, doing miracles?

15:12You stretched out your right hand, the earth swallowed them.

15:13You guided by your righteousness -- this your people whom you ransomed. You aided in your strength in your holy lodging.

15:14Nations heard, and were provoked to anger; pangs took hold of the ones dwelling among the Philistines.

15:15Then hastened the princes of Edom, and the rulers of the Moabites; trembling took hold of them; they melted away -- all the ones dwelling in Canaan.

15:16May there fall upon them fear and trembling; by the greatness of your arm they are petrified, until whenever your people may go by, O lord, until whenever this your people may go by, whom you acquired.

15:17Bringing them in -- plant them in your mountain of inheritance; into your prepared home which you manufactured, O lord; the sanctuary, O lord, which you prepared by your hands.

15:18The lord reigning into the eon, and unto eon, and still!

15:19For the horse of Pharaoh entered with chariots and riders into the sea; and the lord brought upon them the water of the sea. But the sons of Israel went through dry land in the midst of the sea.

15:20And Miriam the prophetess the sister of Aaron took the tambourine in her hand. And came forth all the women after her with tambourines and dancers.

15:21And Miriam led them, saying, We should sing to the lord, for gloriously he glorified himself -- horse and rider he tossed into the sea.

15:22And Moses lifted up the sons of Israel from the red sea, and he led them into the wilderness of Shur. And they went three days in the wilderness, and they did not find water so as to drink.

15:23And they came unto Marah. And they were not able to drink water at Marah, for it was bitter. On account of this the name of that place was named, Bitter.

15:24And the people complained unto Moses, saying, What shall we drink?

15:25And Moses yelled to the lord. And the lord showed to him a tree. And he put it into the water, and the water was sweetened. There he established with him ordinances and judgments, and there he tested him.

15:26And he said, If you should hear the voice of the lord your God, and you should do the things pleasing before him, and you should give ear to his commandments, and you should guard all his ordinances, then every disease which was brought upon the Egyptians, I will not bring upon you. For I am the lord healing you.

15:27And they came into Elim. And there were there twelve springs of waters, and seventy trunks of palm trees; and they camped there by the waters.