The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 31

To the director; a psalm to David; a change of state.

31:1Upon you, O lord, I hoped. May I not be disgraced into the eon. In your righteousness rescue me, and take me out!

31:2Lean your ear to me! Hasten to take me out! Become to me as a defending God! and for a house of refuge to deliver me.

31:3For you are my fortification and my refuge; and because of your name you shall guide me and nourish me.

31:4You shall lead me out of the snare which these hid for me; for you are my defender, O lord.

31:5Into your hands I shall place my spirit. You ransomed me, O lord God of truth.

31:6You detested the ones guarding ineffectual follies. But I hoped upon the lord.

31:7I will exult and be glad over your mercy, for you looked upon my humiliation. You delivered my soul from the wants of necessities;

31:8and you did not close me up by hands of enemies. You set my feet in a broad space.

31:9Show mercy on me, O lord! for I am afflicted. My eye my soul and my belly are disturbed in rage;

31:10for my life failed in grief, and my years in moanings. My strength weakened in poorness, and my bones are disturbed.

31:11By all my enemies I became a scorn, even to my neighbors exceedingly so, and a fear to my acquaintances. The ones viewing me outside fled from me.

31:12I was forgotten as one dead from the heart; I am become as a vessel being destroyed.

31:13For I heard the fault of many sojourning round about. In their gathering together against me they consulted to take my soul.

31:14But I hoped upon you O lord. I said, You are my God.

31:15My lots are in your hands. Rescue me from the hand of my enemies, and from the ones pursuing me!

31:16Let your face appear unto your servant! Deliver me in your mercy!

31:17O lord, may I not be disgraced, for I called upon you. May the impious be ashamed, and led down into Hades.

31:18Let the lips of the deceitful become speechless! even the ones speaking against the just in lawlessness with pride and contempt.

31:19How abundant is the multitude of your graciousness, O lord, of which you hid to the ones fearing you. You brought it to completion to the ones hoping upon you, before the sons of men.

31:20You shall hide them in the concealment of your face from the disturbance of men. You shall shelter them in a tent from the dispute of tongues.

31:21Blessed be the lord, for his mercy caused wonders in the city encompassed about.

31:22But I said in my change of state, I am thrown away from in front of your eyes. On account of this you heard of the voice of my supplication in my crying out to you.

31:23Let all his sacred ones love the lord! For the lord requires truth; and he recompenses extremely to the ones having pride.

31:24Let all the ones hoping upon the lord be manly and be fortified in your heart!