The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 32

A psalm to David; for understanding.

32:1Blessed be whose lawless deeds were forgiven, and whose sins were covered over.

32:2Blessed be the man to whom in no way the lord should impute sin, nor is treachery in his mouth.

32:3For I kept quiet; my bones were grown old from my crying out the entire day.

32:4For day and night your hand presses upon me. I was turned to misery by the thorn sticking me.

32:5My lawlessness I made known, and my sin I did not cover. I said, I will declare openly against myself my lawlessness to the lord. And you forgave the impiety of my heart. PAUSE.

32:6For this every sacred one shall pray to you in a fit time; only in a flood of waters many shall not approach to him.

32:7You are my refuge from affliction encompassing me; my leap for joy to ransom me from the ones encircling me. PAUSE.

32:8I will bring understanding to you, and I will instruct you in this way which you shall go. I will stay my eyes upon you.

32:9Do not become as a horse and mule in which there is no understanding; but with muzzle and bridle may you squeeze their jaws of the ones not approaching to you.

32:10Many are the whips for the sinner; but mercy shall encircle the one hoping upon the lord.

32:11Be glad upon the lord, and exult, O just ones! and let all the ones straight in the heart boast!