The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 33

A psalm to David.

33:1Exult, O just ones, in the lord! To the upright praise is becoming.

33:2Make acknowledgment to the lord with the harp! With the ten-stringed psaltery strum to him!

33:3Sing to him a new song! Strum to him well with shouts!

33:4For the word of the lord is upright; and all his works in trust.

33:5The lord loves charity and equity; the earth is full of the mercy of the lord.

33:6By the word of the lord the heavens were solidified, and by the breath of his mouth all their force;

33:7bringing together as in a leather water bag the waters of the sea; putting in treasuries of the deeps.

33:8Fear the lord all the earth! and because of him let all the ones dwelling in the inhabitable world be shaken!

33:9For he spoke, and they came to pass; he gave charge, and they were created.

33:10The lord effaces plans of nations, and he annuls devices of peoples, and he annuls plans of rulers.

33:11But the counsel of the lord abides into the eon; the devices of his heart from generation and generation.

33:12Blessed is the nation of which the lord is its God; a people whom he chose for his own inheritance.

33:13From out of heaven the lord looks; he beholds all the sons of men.

33:14From his prepared home he looked upon all the ones dwelling on the earth.

33:15He is the one shaping their hearts alone; the one perceiving in all their works.

33:16A king is not delivered because of much force; and a giant shall not be delivered by the magnitude of his strength.

33:17A horse is a false hope for deliverance, and in the magnitude of its power one shall not be delivered.

33:18Behold, the eyes of the lord are upon the ones fearing him; the ones hoping upon his mercy;

33:19to rescue their souls from death, and to nourish them during famine.

33:20And our soul waits on the lord, for he is our helper and defender.

33:21For in him our heart shall be glad; and in his holy name we hope.

33:22May your mercy come, O lord, upon us, just as we hoped upon you.