The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 34

A psalm to David, when he changed his countenance before Abimelech, and he loosened him, and he went forth.

34:1I will bless the lord at all time; always his praise is in my mouth.

34:2My soul shall applaud in the lord. Let the gentle hear and be glad!

34:3Magnify the lord with me! for we should raise up high his name together.

34:4I sought after the lord, and he heeded me; and out of all my afflictions he rescued me.

34:5Come forward to him, and be enlightened! and your faces in no way shall be disgraced.

34:6This poor man cried out, and the lord heard him; and from out of all his afflictions he delivered him.

34:7The angel of the lord will encamp round about the ones fearing him, and he will rescue them.

34:8Taste and see that the lord is gracious! Blessed is the man who hopes upon him.

34:9Let all his holy ones fear the lord! for there is no deficiency to the ones fearing him.

34:10The rich became poor, and they hunger; but the ones seeking after the lord shall not lack any good thing.

34:11Come children, hear me! I will teach you a fear of the lord.

34:12Who is the man wanting life, loving to behold good days?

34:13Cease your tongue from evil! and your lips, so as to not speak treachery.

34:14Turn aside from the bad, and do good! Seek peace, and pursue it!

34:15The eyes of the lord are upon the just, and his ears are unto their supplication.

34:16But the face of the lord is against the ones committing evils, to utterly destroy their memorial from the earth.

34:17The just cried out, and the lord heard them; and from out of all their afflictions he rescued them.

34:18The lord is near to the ones being broken in heart; and the humble in spirit he shall deliver.

34:19Many are the afflictions of the just; and from out of all of them the lord shall rescue them.

34:20The lord guards all their bones; not one of them shall be broken.

34:21The death of sinners is a sorry state; and the ones detesting the just shall offend.

34:22The lord shall ransom the souls of his servants; and in no way shall all the ones hoping upon him offend.