The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 35

A psalm to David.

35:1Adjudicate, O lord, the ones wronging me! Wage war against the ones waging war against me!

35:2Take hold of weapon and shield, and rise up to help me!

35:3Discharge the broadsword, and close up right opposite the ones pursuing me! Say to my soul, I am your deliverance!

35:4Let the ones seeking my soul be ashamed and feel remorse! Let them be turned to the rear, and let the ones considering evils against me be disgraced!

35:5Let them become as dust according to the face of the wind! and an angel of the lord squeezing them.

35:6Let their way become darkness and slippery! and an angel of the lord pursuing them.

35:7For without cause they hid their snare of corruption against me; in folly they berate my soul.

35:8Let there come to him a snare which he knows not! And the snare of the hunt which he hid, let it seize him! and in the same snare he shall fall in it.

35:9But my soul shall exult over the lord; it shall be made happy over his deliverance.

35:10All my bones shall say, O lord, O lord, who is likened to you? rescuing the poor from the hand of the one more solid than he, and the poor and needy one from the ones tearing him in pieces.

35:11Rising up against me are unjust witnesses, asking me of things which I did not know.

35:12They recompensed to me evil for good, and childlessness to my soul.

35:13But I, in their troubling me, put on sackcloth. And I humbled my soul in fasting; and my prayer shall be returned unto my bosom.

35:14As a neighbor, as to our brother, so they were well-pleasing. As mourning and looking downcast so I humbled myself.

35:15And against me they were glad and they gathered together; they gathered together whips against me, and I did not know; they were cut asunder and were not vexed.

35:16They tested me; they derided me in sneering; they gnashed against me with their teeth.

35:17O lord, when will you scrutinize? Restore my soul from their evil actions; my only child from lions.

35:18I shall make acknowledgment to you in the vast assembly; with grievous people I shall praise you.

35:19May the ones hating me unjustly not rejoice against me; even the ones detesting me without a charge, and shunning their eyes.

35:20For to me then they spoke peaceable, but in anger they devised treachery.

35:21And they widened their mouth against me. They said, Well done, well done, our eyes saw!

35:22You beheld, O lord. You should not remain silent, O lord. You should not separate from me.

35:23Awake, O lord, and take heed to my case, O my God, and to my cause O my lord!

35:24Judge me, O lord, according to your righteousness, O lord my God, and let them not rejoice against me!

35:25May they not say in their heart, Well done, well done to our soul. Nor may they say, We swallowed him down.

35:26May they be ashamed, and may the ones rejoicing at my hurts feel remorse together. Let the ones speaking great words against me be clothed in shame and remorse!

35:27Exult and be glad, O ones wanting righteousness for me! And let say always, The lord be magnified! by the ones wanting the peace of his servant.

35:28And my tongue shall meditate upon your righteousness; the entire day on your high praise.