The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hosea 2

2:1Speak to your brethren, My People, and to your sister, Being Shown Mercy!

2:2Plead with your mother! Plead! for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband. And I will lift away her harlotry from in front of me, and her adultery from between her breasts;

2:3so that I shall strip her naked, and restore her as the day of her birth; and I will set her as desolate, and I will arrange her as a waterless land, and I will kill her by thirst.

2:4And in no way shall I show mercy on her children, for it is children of harlotry.

2:5For their mother fornicated; the one bearing them disgraced them. For she said, I will go after my lovers, the ones giving to me my bread loaves, and my water, and my garments, and my linen bands, and my olive oil, and all as much as is fit for me.

2:6On account of this, behold, I shut up her way with barbs, and I will block her ways, and her road in no way should she find.

2:7And she shall pursue her lovers, and in no way shall she overtake them; and she shall seek them, and in no way shall she find them. And she shall say, I shall go and return to my former husband, for it was good to me then rather than now.

2:8And she did not know that I gave to her the grain, and the wine, and the olive oil, and multiplied silver to her. But she made silver and gold things to Baal.

2:9On account of this I will return and carry away my grain according to its season, and my wine in its time; and I will remove my garments and my linen bands so as to not cover her indecency.

2:10And now I will uncover her uncleanness before her lovers, and not one shall rescue her from out of my hand.

2:11And I will turn away all her gladness of her holiday feasts, and her new moons, and her Sabbaths, and all her festivals.

2:12And I will remove her grapevine, and her fig-trees -- as much as she said, These are my wages which my lovers gave to me. And I will appoint them for a testimony. And the wild beasts of the field shall devour them, and the birds of the heaven, and the reptiles of the earth.

2:13And I will take vengeance upon her for the days of the Baals, in which she sacrificed to them, and put on her ear-rings, and her hanging necklaces, and went after her lovers; but me she forgot, says the lord.

2:14On account of this, behold, I will wander her, and I will order her as desolate, and I will speak unto her heart.

2:15And I will give to her her possessions from there, and the valley of Achor to open wide her understanding. And she shall be humbled there according to the days of her infancy, and according to the days of her ascending from out of the land of Egypt.

2:16And it will be in that day, says the lord, she shall call me, My husband, and shall not call me any longer, Baalim.

2:17And I will lift away the names of the Baalim from her mouth, and in no way should their names be remembered any longer.

2:18And I will ordain to them a covenant in that day with the wild beasts of the field, and with the birds of the heaven, and the reptiles of the earth. And I will break bow and broadsword and war from the earth, and I will settle upon hope.

2:19And I shall espouse you to myself into the eon; and I shall espouse you to myself in righteousness, and in equity, and in mercy, and in compassions.

2:20And I will espouse you to myself in trust. And you shall recognize the lord.

2:21And it will be in that day, says the lord, I will give heed to the heaven, and the heaven shall give heed to the earth.

2:22And the earth shall heed the grain, and the wine, and the olive oil; and they shall give heed to Jezreel.

2:23And I will sow her to myself upon the earth; and I will love the one not being loved. And I will say to the one not my people, You are my people; and he shall say, You are the lord my God.