The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 30

30:1Thus speaks the man to the ones trusting in God. And now I will cease.

30:2For I am all together most foolish of men, and the intelligence of man is not in me.

30:3God has taught me wisdom, and I know the knowledge of the holies.

30:4Who ascended into the heaven, and came down? Who brought together the winds in his bosom? Who bundled up waters in his cloak? Who holds all the extremities of the earth? What name is given to him? or what name to his children that you should know?

30:5For all the words of God are purified. And he himself shields the ones venerating him.

30:6You should not add to his words, lest he reprove you, and you should become a liar.

30:7Two things I ask from you; you should not remove favor from me before my dying;

30:8appoint the vain and false word far from me; and riches and poverty you should not give to me; but order up for me the things necessary and the things to be self-sufficient;

30:9that I should not become false in being filled up, and should say, Who sees me? Or to be in need that I shall steal, and I shall swear an oath by the name of God.

30:10You should not deliver a bondservant into the hands of a master, lest at any time he should curse you, and you should be obliterated.

30:11A bad progeny curses a father, and he does not bless the mother.

30:12A bad progeny judges himself as just, and washes not his going out.

30:13A bad progeny has lofty eyes, and with his eyelids he lifts himself up.

30:14A bad progeny has swords for teeth, and the molars as pruning knives, so as to consume the weak from the earth, and the needy of them from among men.

30:15There were three daughters to the leech being loved in affection, these three did not fulfill her, and to the fourth it was not sufficient to say, Enough --

30:16Hades, and passion of a woman, and earth not filled with water; and water and fire in no way shall say, It sufficies.

30:17The eye ridiculing a father, and dishonoring the old age of a mother -- let the crows from the ravines cut it out, and may the young of the eagles devour it.

30:18And there are three things impossible for me to comprehend, and the fourth I do not know --

30:19the traces of a flying eagle, and the ways of a serpent upon a rock, and the paths of a ship passing through the sea, and the ways of a man in youth.

30:20Such is the way of an adulterous woman, whenever she should act in washing herself, she says not to have acted out of place.

30:21By three things the earth is shaken, and the fourth it is not able to bear --

30:22if a domestic servant should reign, and a fool should be filled with food,

30:23and a female domestic servant, if she is cast out by her own lady, and a hateful wife if she should attain a good man.

30:24And there are four lesser things upon the earth, and these are wiser than the wise --

30:25the ants in whom there is no strength, and they prepare nourishment in summer.

30:26And the rabbits -- a nation not being strong, the ones making their own houses in the rocks.

30:27The locust is independent, but she marches orderly from one word of command.

30:28And the newt, with its hands sticking, and being easily caught, it dwells in the fortresses of kings.

30:29And there are three which go prosperously, and the fourth which passes over well --

30:30a lion cub is stronger than the beasts, which does not turn away, nor is struck with awe of any beast,

30:31and a rooster walking about among females confidently, and a he-goat taking the lead of a flock of goats, and a king delivering a public address to a nation.

30:32If you should let go of yourself in gladness, and should stretch out your hand for a fight you shall be dishonored.

30:33Extract milk, and there will be butter; but if you should pressure the nostrils there shall come forth blood; and if you should drag out words, there shall come forth litigations and fights.