The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 31

31:1My words have been spoken by God; the divine answer by a king, whom his mother instructed.

31:2What, O child, will you give heed to? What sayings of God, O first-born, to you I speak, O son? What, O child of my belly? What, O child of my vows?

31:3You should not give your wealth to women, nor your mind and livelihood for an afterthought. Do all things with counsel! Drink wine with counsel!

31:4The mighty ones are inclined to rage; let them not drink wine!

31:5lest drinking they should forget wisdom, and in no way are able rightly to judge the weak.

31:6Give intoxicating drink to the ones in distresses, and wine to drink to the ones in griefs!

31:7that they should forget their poverty, and their miseries should not be remembered any longer.

31:8O Son, open your mouth with the word of God, and judge all fairly!

31:9Open your mouth, and judge justly, and litigate for the needy and weak!

31:10Who shall find a vigorous wife? For such is more esteemed than very costly stones.

31:11The heart of her husband takes courage over her. Such a one will not be distressed by the lack of good spoils.

31:12For she exacts energy to her husband for good, and not bad for all the livelihood.

31:13She makes her hands useful furling wool and flax.

31:14She became as a ship trading far off. She gathers together her wealth,

31:15and she rises up at nights, and appoints foods to the household, and works to the female attendants.

31:16In viewing a farm, she buys; and from the fruits of her hands she plants a possession.

31:17Girding up her loin strongly, she establishes her arms for work.

31:18She tastes that it is good to work; and her lamp is not extinguished all the night.

31:19She stretches out her cubits unto the things being advantageous; and the things of her hands she sticks to the spindle.

31:20And she opens wide her hands to the needy, and her wrist she stretches out to the poor.

31:21Her husband does not take thought of the things in the house whenever he passes time somewhere; for all the ones of hers are being clothed.

31:22A double goat's hair coat she made for her husband; and from out of linen and purple material garments for herself.

31:23And her husband is admired at the gate when ever he should sit in the sanhedrin with the aged of the land.

31:24She makes fine linen, and gives back loincloths to the Canaanites.

31:25She puts on strength and beauty, and is glad in the last days.

31:26And of her mouth she opens wisely and lawfully; and her charity is in her tongue.

31:27The pastimes to her house are roofed, and the grain of laziness she does not eat.

31:28She raises up her children, and they grow rich; and her husband praises her.

31:29Many daughters acquired riches; many acted with ability; but you have precedence -- you are elevated above all.

31:30Allurement is false, and beauty vain it is not in you. For a discerning woman is blessed; and let her praise the fear of the lord!

31:31Give to her from the fruits of her lips! and let her husband be praised at the gates!