The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 53

53:1O lord, who trusted our report? And the arm of the lord, to whom was it uncovered?

53:2We announced as of a male child before him, as a root in a land thirsting. There is no appearance to him, nor glory; and we beheld him, and he does not have appearance nor beauty.

53:3But his appearance was without honor, and wanting by sons of men. A man being for calamity, and knowing how to bear infirmity. For he turned his face; he was dishonored and was not considered.

53:4This one bore our sins, and on account of us he was grieved. And we considered him to be for misery, and for calamity by God, and for ill treatment.

53:5But he was wounded because of our sins, and he was made infirm on account of our lawless deeds. The discipline for our peace was upon him; by his stripe we were healed.

53:6We were all wandered as sheep. A man was wandered in his way, and the lord delivered him up for our sins.

53:7And he on account of being inflicted by evil opened not his mouth. He was led as a sheep unto slaughter, and as a lamb before the one shearing is voiceless, so he did not open his mouth.

53:8In the humiliation, in his equity, he was lifted away. Who shall describe his generation? For his life was lifted away from the earth. Because of the lawless deeds of my people he was led unto death.

53:9And I shall give the wicked for his burial, and the rich for his death. For he did not commit lawlessness, nor was treachery in his mouth.

53:10And the lord willed to cleanse him of the beating. If you should offer for a sin offering the thing for your life, he shall see a long-lived seed.

53:11And the lord willed by his hand to remove misery of his soul, to show to him light, and to shape in the understanding; to justify the just one, the good one serving many, and he shall bear their sins.

53:12On account of this he shall inherit many; and of the strong ones he will portion out spoils, because his soul was delivered up unto death; and he was considered among the lawless ones; and he himself bore the sins of many, and because of their lawless deeds he was delivered up.