The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Leviticus 17

17:1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

17:2Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them this saying which the lord gives charge, saying,

17:3The man, a man of the sons of Israel, who ever should slay a calf or a sheep or a goat in the camp, and who ever should slay outside the camp,

17:4and should not bring it to the door of the tent of the testimony, so as to bring a gift to the lord before the tent of the lord; blood shall be imputed to that man, for blood was poured out. That soul shall be utterly destroyed from its people,

17:5so that the sons of Israel should bring their sacrifices, as many as they should slay in the plains, and shall bring them to the lord at the door of the tent of the testimony, to the priest. And they shall sacrifice them as a sacrifice of deliverance to the lord.

17:6And the priest shall pour the blood upon the altar, before the lord, by the door of the tent of the testimony. And he shall offer the fat for a scent of pleasant aroma to the lord.

17:7And they shall not sacrifice still their sacrifices to the vain gods in which they fornicate after them; it will be an eternal law to you unto your generations.

17:8And you shall say to them, The man, a man from the sons of Israel, and from the foreigners of the ones lying nearby among you, who ever should offer a whole burnt-offering or sacrifice,

17:9and at the door of the tent of the testimony should not bring anything to offer it to the lord, that man shall be utterly destroyed from his people.

17:10And the man, a man of the sons of Israel, or of the foreigners of the ones lying nearby among you, who ever should eat any blood, that I will set my face against the soul eating the blood, and I will destroy it from out of its people.

17:11For the life of all flesh is its blood. And I gave it to you upon the altar to atone for your souls. For its blood shall atone for the soul.

17:12On account of this I have said to the sons of Israel, Every soul of you shall not eat blood; and the foreigner lying near by to you shall not eat blood.

17:13And the man, a man of the sons of Israel, or of the foreigners lying near to you, who ever shall hunt a hunt for a wild beast or birds, which is to be eaten, he shall pour out its blood, and cover it in the ground.

17:14For the life of all flesh is its blood, and I said to the sons of Israel, The blood of all flesh you shall not eat, for life of all flesh is its blood. Every one eating it shall be utterly destroyed.

17:15And every soul who should eat decaying flesh, or flesh taken by wild beasts, among the native born, or by the foreigners, shall wash his garments, and shall bathe in water, and will be unclean until evening; then he will be clean.

17:16But if he should not wash his garments, and should not bathe his body in water, then he shall take the violation of the law himself.