The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 7

7:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

7:2And you, O son of man, thus says Adonai the lord to the land of Israel; End is come; the end is come upon the four wings of the land.

7:3The end is come now; the end to you. And I shall send my rage. I am against you, and I shall punish you in your ways, and I shall impute against you all your abominations.

7:4My eye will not spare over you, nor shall I show mercy. For I shall impute your way against you, and your abominations will be in the midst of you. And you shall know that I am the lord.

7:5For thus says Adonai the lord; An evil, one evil; Behold, it is at hand.

7:6The end is come, the end is come awakened against you.

7:7Behold, the wreathen circle is come upon you, the one dwelling the land. The time is come, the day has approached, not with tumult nor with pangs.

7:8Now nearly I will pour out my anger upon you, and I will complete my rage against you, and I will judge you in your ways, and I will impute against you all your abominations.

7:9My eye shall not spare, nor shall I show mercy. According to your ways I will impute against you, and your abominations will be in your midst. And you shall realize that I am the lord, the one striking.

7:10Behold, the day of the lord is come, the rod has bloomed.

7:11The insolence has risen up, and it will break the reliance of the lawless one, and not with a tumult nor with anxiety.

7:12The time is come; behold, the day. Let not the one acquiring things rejoice! and let not the one selling things wail! for wrath for all the magnitude of it.

7:13For the one acquiring shall not return to the thing selling; and still in the life of their living, that the vision is for all their multitude -- it shall not return, and a man in the eyes shall not hold his life.

7:14Trump with the trumpet, and judge all things! But there is not one going to the war, for my wrath is upon all her multitude.

7:15The broadsword from outside, and the famine and plague from inside. The one in the plain shall come to an end by a broadsword, and the ones in the city shall end by famine and plague.

7:16And the ones escaping of them shall be escaped, and they will be upon the mountains as a pigeon meditating. And I will kill all, each in his iniquities.

7:17All hands shall be enfeebled, and all thighs shall be tainted in wetness.

7:18And they shall gird on sackcloths, and stupefaction shall cover them. And upon every face shame will be upon them, and upon every head baldness.

7:19Their silver shall be tossed in the squares, and their gold shall be spurned. Their silver and their gold shall not be able to rescue them in a day of wrath of the lord. Their souls in no way shall be satisfied, and their bellies shall not be filled; because the torment for their iniquities took place.

7:20A choice ornament for pride -- they made them; and images of their abominations they made from them. Because of this I have given them to them for uncleanness.

7:21And I will deliver them into the hands of strangers to tear them in pieces; and to the pestilent ones of the earth for spoils. And they shall profane them.

7:22And I will turn my face from them, and they shall defile my overseeing, and they shall enter to them unguardedly, and profane them.

7:23And they shall produce befouling, because the land is full of judgments of blood, and the city full of lawlessness. And I will bring evils of nations, and they shall inherit their houses.

7:24And I will turn the neighing of their strength; and their holy things shall be defiled.

7:25Making an atonement shall come, and one shall seek peace, and it will not be.

7:26Woe upon woe will be, and message upon message will be; and a vision shall be sought from a prophet, and the law shall be lost of the priest, and counsel from the elders; the king shall mourn,

7:27and the ruler shall put on extinction, and the hands of the people of the land shall be disabled. According to their ways I will do to them, and in their judgments I will punish them; and they shall know that I am the lord.