The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 43

43:1And he led me unto the gate towards the east, and he led me out.

43:2And behold, glory of the God of Israel came according to the way towards the east. And there was a voice of the camp as the repeating voice of many. And the ground shone forth as brightness in the glory round about.

43:3And the vision which I beheld was according to the vision which I beheld when I entered to anoint the city; and the vision of the chariot which I beheld was according to the vision which I beheld upon the river Chebar, and I fell upon my face.

43:4And the glory of the lord entered into the house according to the way of the gate of the one looking according to the east.

43:5And spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner courtyard; and behold, the house was full of glory of the lord.

43:6And I stood, and behold, there was a voice from the house speaking to me, and the man stood next to me,

43:7and he said to me, You see, O son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the track of my feet, in which my name shall encamp in the midst of the house of Israel into the eon. And the house of Israel shall not profane my holy name any longer, they and the ones leading them in their harlotry, and by the murders of the ones leading them in the midst of them;

43:8in their putting my threshold among their thresholds, and my doorways next to their doorways. And they appointed my wall as holding me and them together. And they profaned my holy name by their lawless deeds which they did. And I obliterated them in my rage and by carnage.

43:9And now, let the ones leading them from me thrust away their harlotry and the murders! and I will encamp in the midst of them into the eon.

43:10And you, O son of man, show to the house of Israel the house, (and they shall abate from their sins) and the vision of it, and the disposition of it,

43:11(and they shall take their punishment for all of which they did). And you shall diagram the house, and its preparation, and its exits, and its entrances, and its support. And all its orders, and all its laws, and all it rules you shall make known to them. And you shall diagram it before them, and they shall keep all my ordinances, and all my orders, and they shall do them.

43:12And the diagram of the house upon the top of the mountain, all its limits round about the holy of holies -- this is the rule of the house.

43:13And these are the measures of the altar by cubit of the cubit and a palm; the recess depth a cubit, and a cubit the breadth, and the molding upon the lip round about a span; and this is the height of the altar.

43:14From the depth of the beginning of its hollow part to the atonement-seat, the one from beneath -- two cubits, and the breadth a cubit; and from the small atonement-seat to the great atonement-seat -- four cubits, and the breadth a cubit.

43:15And the altar hearth -- four cubits; and from the altar hearth and up above the horns, a cubit.

43:16And the altar hearth was twelve cubits in length by twelve cubits, four-cornered upon the four parts of it.

43:17And the atonement-seat was fourteen cubits in length by fourteen cubits in breadth upon its four parts; and its molding encircling it round about -- a half cubit; and its encircling base was a cubit round about; and its steps looked according to the east.

43:18And he said to me, O son of man, thus says the lord God; These are the orders for the altar in the day of its being made to offer upon it whole burnt-offerings, and to pour on it blood.

43:19And you shall give to the priests, to the Levites, to the ones from out of the seed of Zadok, to the ones approaching to me, says the lord God, to officiate to me, a calf from the oxen for a sin offering.

43:20And they shall take from its blood, and shall place it upon four horns of the altar, and upon the four corners of the atonement-seat, and upon the base round about; and they shall cleanse and atone it.

43:21And they shall take the calf, the one for a sin offering, and they shall incinerate it in the place being separated of the house from outside of the holies.

43:22And the second day you shall take a kid of the goats, unblemished for a sin offering; and they shall atone the altar in so far as they atoned with the calf.

43:23And after completing the making an atonement, they shall bring an unblemished calf from out of the oxen, and an unblemished ram from out of the sheep.

43:24And you shall offer them before the lord, and the priests shall cast salt upon them, and they shall offer them as whole burnt-offerings to the lord.

43:25Seven days you shall offer a kid for a sin offering each day, and a calf from out of the oxen, and a ram from out of the sheep; they shall offer them unblemished.

43:26Seven days and they shall atone the altar and cleanse it; and they shall fill their hands.

43:27And they shall complete the days. And it will be from the eighth day and beyond, and the priests shall offer upon the altar your whole burnt-offerings, and the ones for your deliverance offering; and I will favorably receive you, says the lord God.