The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 107


107:1Make acknowledgment to the lord for he is gracious, for his mercy is into the eon!

107:2Let the ones having been ransomed by the lord speak! whom he ransomed from out of the hand of the enemy.

107:3And from out of the places he gathered them; from the east, and west, and north, and the sea.

107:4They wandered in the wilderness in a waterless way; they did not find a city for a home.

107:5Hungering and thirsting, their soul failed in them.

107:6And they cried out to the lord in their being afflicted, and from their distresses he rescued them.

107:7And he guided them in the straight way, to go into a city of habitation.

107:8Let them make acknowledgment to the lord of his mercies, and of his wonders to the sons of men!

107:9For he fills the empty soul; and the soul hungering he filled up with good things;

107:10even the ones sitting down in darkness and the shadow of death, being shackled in poorness and in iron;

107:11for they rebelled against the oracles of God; and the counsel of the highest they provoked.

107:12And their heart was humbled with troubles; they weakened and there was no one helping.

107:13And they cried out to the lord in their being afflicted; and from out of their distresses he delivered them.

107:14And he led them from out of darkness and the shadow of death; and he tore up their bonds.

107:15Let them make acknowledgment to the lord of his mercies, and his wonders to the sons of men!

107:16For he broke the gates of brass; and the bars of iron he fractured in pieces.

107:17He took hold of them from out of the way of their lawlessnesses; for on account of their lawlessnesses they were humbled.

107:18Their soul abhorred every food, and they approached unto the gates of death.

107:19And they cried out to the lord in their being afflicted; and he delivered them from out of their distresses.

107:20He sent his word and healed them; and he rescued them from out of their corruptions.

107:21Let them make acknowledgment to the lord of his mercies, and his wonders to the sons of men!

107:22And let them sacrifice to him a sacrifice of praise! And let them declare his works in exultation!

107:23The men going down into the sea in boats, doing work in many waters;

107:24these men beheld the works of the lord, and his wonders in the deep.

107:25He spoke, and the gale wind is established, and its waves are raised up high.

107:26They ascend unto the heavens, and they go down unto the abysses; their soul melts away in evils.

107:27They were disturbed; they were shaken as the one being intoxicated, and all their wisdom was swallowed down.

107:28And they cry out to the lord in their being afflicted; and he leads them from out of their distresses.

107:29And he gave orders to the gale, and it stood as a breeze, and its waves were quiet.

107:30And they were glad for they were stilled; and he guided them unto the harbor of their want.

107:31Let them make acknowledgment to the lord of his mercies, and his wonders to the sons of men!

107:32Let them exalt him in the assembly of people, and let them praise him in the chair of the elders!

107:33He put rivers into a wilderness, and outlets of waters into a thirsty ground;

107:34a ground bearing fruit into brine, from the evils of the ones dwelling in it.

107:35He made a wilderness into lakes of waters; and a waterless ground into outlets of waters.

107:36And he settled there ones hungering, and they stood together cities of habitation.

107:37And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, and they make fruit of produce.

107:38And he blessed them, and they were multiplied exceedingly, and he does not diminish their cattle.

107:39And they were made few and were maltreated by the affliction of evils and grief.

107:40Contempt was poured out upon their rulers, and he wandered them in an untrodden place and no street.

107:41But he helps the needy from out of poorness; and he made families as flocks.

107:42The upright shall see and be glad; and all lawlessness shall obstruct its mouth.

107:43Who is wise and will guard these things, and perceive the mercies of the lord?