The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 106


106:1Make acknowledgment to the lord, for he is gracious; for into the eon is his mercy.

106:2Who shall speak the mighty deeds of the lord? Audibly, who shall offer all his praises?

106:3Blessed are the ones keeping equity, and doing righteousness in every season.

106:4Remember us, O lord, with the benevolence of your people! Visit us with your deliverance!

106:5To behold in the thing gracious of your chosen ones; to be glad in the gladness of your nation; to applaud with your inheritance.

106:6We sinned with our fathers; we acted lawlessly; we did wrong.

106:7Our fathers in Egypt did not perceive your wonders, they remembered not the magnitude of your mercy; and they rebelled while ascending unto the red sea.

106:8And he delivered them because of his name, to make known his might.

106:9And he reproached the red sea, and it was dried up. And he guided them in the deep as in the wilderness.

106:10And he delivered them out of the hand of the one detesting; and he ransomed them out of the hand of enemies.

106:11Water covered the ones afflicting them; not one of them was left behind.

106:12And they trusted in his word; and they were his praise.

106:13They hastened; they forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel.

106:14And they desired with desire in the wilderness; and they tested God in a waterless place.

106:15And he gave them their request; he sent fullness unto their souls.

106:16And they provoked Moses to anger in the camp, and Aaron the holy one of the lord.

106:17The earth opened and swallowed down Dathan, and covered over upon the congregation of Abiram.

106:18And fire was kindled in their congregation; a flame burnt up the sinners.

106:19And they made a calf in Horeb, and they did obeisance to the carving.

106:20And they changed their glory into a representation of a calf eating grass.

106:21And they forgot the God, the one delivering them, the one doing great things in Egypt;

106:22wonders in the land of Ham; fearful things at the red sea.

106:23And he spoke to utterly destroy them, unless Moses his chosen one stood among the devastation before him, to turn his rage to not utterly destroy them.

106:24And they treated the desirable land with contempt; they did not trust in his word.

106:25And they grumbled in their tents; they did not listen to the voice of the lord.

106:26And he lifted up his hand against them, to throw them down into the wilderness;

106:27and to throw down their seed into the nations, and to disperse them in the places.

106:28And they were initiated to Baal-peor, and they ate a sacrifice of the dead.

106:29And they provoked him in their practices; and the blow was multiplied among them.

106:30And Phinehas stood and made atonement, and the devastation was abated.

106:31And it was imputed to him for righteousness, for generation and generation, unto the eon.

106:32And they provoked him to anger at Water of Dispute; and evil was inflicted upon Moses because of them;

106:33for they greatly embittered his spirit, and he drew apart with his lips.

106:34They did not utterly destroy the nations which the lord told to them.

106:35And they mixed among the nations, and learned their works.

106:36And they served their carvings, and it became to them for a cause of offence.

106:37And they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons;

106:38and they poured out innocent blood -- the blood of their sons and daughters whom they sacrificed to the carvings of Canaan. And the land was polluted with murder by their blood,

106:39and it was defiled by their works. And they committed harlotry by their practices.

106:40And the lord was provoked to anger in rage against his people; and he abhorred his inheritance.

106:41And he delivered them into the hands of enemies, and the ones detesting them dominated them.

106:42And their enemies afflicted them, and they were humbled under their hands.

106:43Many times he rescued them, but they greatly embittered him by their counsel, and they were humbled in their lawless deeds.

106:44And the lord beheld in their being afflicted while at the same time listening to their supplication.

106:45And he remembered his covenant, and repented according to the magnitude of his mercy.

106:46And he gave them over for compassions before all the ones having captured them.

106:47Deliver us, O lord our God, and assemble us from out of the nations! to acknowledge your holy name; to boast in your praise.

106:48Blessed be the lord God of Israel, from the eon and unto the eon. And all the people shall say, May it be. May it be.