The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 105


105:1Make acknowledgment to the lord, and call upon his name! Report among the nations of his works!

105:2Sing to him, and strum to him! Describe all his wonders!

105:3Applaud in his holy name! Let the heart seeking the lord be glad!

105:4Seek the lord, and be fortified! Seek his face always!

105:5You should remember his wonders of which he did; his miracles, and the judgments of his mouth;

105:6seed of Abraham his servants; sons of Jacob his chosen.

105:7He is the lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth.

105:8He remembered his covenant into the eon; the word which he gave charge for a thousand of generations;

105:9which he ordained with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac.

105:10And he established it to Jacob for an order, and to Israel for an eternal covenant,

105:11saying, To you I give the land of Canaan, a piece of measured out land for your inheritance.

105:12In their being few in number, very few, and sojourners in it;

105:13that they went from nation to nation, and from a kingdom to another people.

105:14He did not let a man wrong them; and he reproved kings for them, saying,

105:15Do not touch my anointed ones! and among my prophets do not do wickedly!

105:16And he called famine upon the land; he broke all reliance on bread.

105:17He sent in front of them a man; Joseph was sold for a servant.

105:18They humbled his feet with shackles; his soul went through iron;

105:19until his word came; the oracle of the lord purified him.

105:20The king sent and untied him, even a ruler of the people, and let him go.

105:21He placed him as master of his house, and ruler of all his possessions;

105:22to instruct his rulers as he himself, and to make his elders wise.

105:23And Israel entered into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.

105:24And his people grew exceedingly; and he fortified it above his enemies.

105:25He converted his heart to detest his people; to use deceit with his servants.

105:26He sent out Moses his servant; Aaron whom he chose for himself.

105:27He put among them the matters of his signs, and of his miracles in the land of Ham.

105:28He sent out darkness, and it darkened; and they rebelled against his words.

105:29He converted their waters into blood, and killed their fishes.

105:30Frogs crept forth in their land; in the closets of their kings.

105:31He spoke, and there came the dog-fly and midges in all their borders.

105:32He made their rains into hail, and fire burning up in their land.

105:33And he struck their grapevines, and their fig-trees; and he broke every tree of their border.

105:34He spoke, and there came forth the locust and grasshopper, of which there was no number.

105:35And they devoured all the grass in their land, and devoured the fruit of their land.

105:36And he struck every first-born in their land, first-fruit of all their toil.

105:37And he led them out with silver and gold; and there was not one among their tribes being weak.

105:38Egypt was glad in their exodus; for the fear of them fell upon them.

105:39He opened and spread out a cloud for their protection, and fire to give light to them at night.

105:40They asked for, and the mother-quail came, and the bread of heaven filled them.

105:41He tore open the rock, and the waters flowed; rivers went to waterless places.

105:42For he remembered his holy word spoken to Abraham his servant.

105:43And he led out his people in exultation, and his chosen ones in gladness.

105:44And he gave to them the places of nations, and produce of the toils of the peoples that they inherited;

105:45so that they should guard his ordinances, and seek after his law.