The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 96

When the house was built after the captivity; an ode to David.

96:1Sing to the lord a new song! Sing to the lord all the earth!

96:2Sing to the lord! Bless his name! Announce good news day by day of his deliverance!

96:3Announce among the nations of his glory, and among all the peoples of his wonders!

96:4For great is the lord, and praiseworthy -- exceedingly. He is fearful above all the gods.

96:5For all the gods of the nations are demons; but the lord made the heavens.

96:6Acknowledgment and beauty are before him; holiness and majesty are in his sanctuary.

96:7Bring to the lord, O families of the nations! Bring to the lord glory and honor!

96:8Bring to the lord glory for his name! Carry sacrifices, and enter into his courtyards!

96:9Do obeisance to the lord in his holy courtyard! Let all the earth shake before his face!

96:10Say among the nations that, The lord reigns! For even he set up the inhabitable world which will not be shaken. He shall judge peoples in straightness.

96:11Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth exult! Let the sea be shaken, and the fullness of it!

96:12The plains shall rejoice, and all the things in them. Then all the trees of the forest shall exult

96:13from the face of the lord, for he comes; for he comes to judge the earth. He shall judge the inhabitable world in righteousness, and peoples in his truth.