The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hebrews 13

13:1Let brotherly affection abide!

13:2Let not hospitality be forgotten! for by this some were unaware having lodged angels.

13:3Remember the prisoners! as being tied with them, the ones being mistreated, as also yourselves being in the body.

13:4The wedding is esteemed in every way, and the marriage-bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

13:5Let not loving money be the manner, but being sufficient with the things at hand. For he has said, In no way will I forsake you, nor in no way will I abandon you.

13:6So that taking courage we say, The Lord is to me a helper, and I will not be afraid. What shall man do to me?

13:7Remember the ones leading you! ones who spoke to you the word of God; whom contemplating the result of the behavior, you imitate the belief!

13:8Jesus Christ yesterday and today the same, and into the eons.

13:9Be not carried about by various and strange teachings! For it is a good thing to be firmed up in the heart with favor, not by foods, in which the ones walking derive no benefit.

13:10We have an altar, of which the ones serving the tent do not have authority to eat.

13:11For those creatures whose blood is carried in for a sin offering into the holies by the chief priest, of these the bodies are incinerated outside the camp.

13:12Therefore also Jesus, that he should sanctify the people by his own blood suffered outside the gate.

13:13Therefore let us go forth to him outside the camp, bearing his scorn.

13:14For we do not have here an abiding city, but we anxiously seek the one about to be.

13:15By him then we should offer a sacrifice of praise at all times to God, that is to say, fruit of the lips of acknowledging to his name.

13:16But of the well-doing and fellowship do not forget! for with such sacrifices God is well-pleased.

13:17Comply with the ones leading you, and give precedence! for they are sleepless over your souls, for recompensing a reckoning, that with joy they should do this, and not moaning; for this would be unserviceable to you.

13:18Pray for us! for we are persuaded that we have a good conscience in all things wanting to behave well.

13:19And more exceedingly I encourage you to do this, that more quickly I should be restored to you.

13:20And the God of peace, the one leading the shepherd of the sheep from the dead, the great one in the blood of the eternal covenant, the one of our Lord Jesus Christ,

13:21ready you in every good work, for the doing the will of his; doing in you the thing well-pleasing before him, through Jesus Christ, to whom is the glory in the eons of the eons. Amen.

13:22But I exhort you, brethren, endure the word of the exhortation! for also in short I wrote to you.

13:23Know the brother Timothy having been released, with whom if he should come more quickly, I shall see you.

13:24Greet all your leaders, and all the holy ones! The ones from Italy greet you.

13:25Favor be with you all. Amen.