The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 28

28:1For there is a place for silver from where it exists, and a place for gold from where it is refined.

28:2For iron comes from out of the earth, and brass equally is quarried like stone.

28:3He established an order for darkness, and every limit he determines exactly; darkness and the shadow of death is as a stone.

28:4There is a breach of the rushing stream from powder; and the ones forgetting the just way are weakened; of mortals -- they are shaken.

28:5As for the earth, out of it shall come forth bread; underneath it, it was turned as fire.

28:6Her stones are the place of the sapphire; and her gold an embankment.

28:7There is a road the bird knows it not; and the eye of the vulture looked not over it,

28:8the sons of ostentatious ones trod it not; a lion went not upon it.

28:9He stretched forth his hand in a chiseled place, and overturned mountains by the roots;

28:10and the hill of rivers he tore up; and my eye beheld every valuable thing.

28:11And the depths of the rivers he uncovered, and he shows his power in light.

28:12But from what place is wisdom found? and of what place is higher knowledge?

28:13A mortal knows not her way, in no way is she found among men.

28:14The abyss said, She is not in me; and the sea said, She is not with me.

28:15One shall not give an investment for her, and shall not set silver as a bargain for her.

28:16And she shall not be compared with the gold of Ophir, with valuable onyx and sapphire.

28:17Gold and glass shall not be equal to her, nor items of gold as barter for her.

28:18Meteorites and crystal shall not be mentioned; but draw on wisdom above the innermost things.

28:19The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equal to her; she shall not be compared with pure gold.

28:20But concerning wisdom, from what place shall she be found? and of what kind of place is understanding?

28:21She has escaped notice of every man; and from the birds of the heaven she was hid.

28:22Destruction and death said, We have heard of her fame.

28:23God commended her way well; and he knows her place.

28:24For he inspects all things under heaven, knowing the things in the earth;

28:25all which he made, even the weight of the winds, and the measures of water.

28:26When he made them, thus seeing he counted them, and made a way for the vibration of sound.

28:27Then he beheld it, he described it; preparing he tracked it out.

28:28And he said to man, Behold, godliness is wisdom; and being at a distance from evils is higher knowledge.