The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 27

27:1And still Job proceeded and said in the retort.

27:2God lives who thus has judged me, even the almighty, the one embittering my soul;

27:3is it not yet of my breath to be in me, and the divine breath remains to me in my nostrils?

27:4My lips shall not speak lawless things, nor shall my soul meditate upon wrongdoing.

27:5May it not be to me to sentence you as just ones. Until whenever I die for I will not dismiss from me my innocence,

27:6and taking heed to my righteousness in no way will I let it go; for I am not myself fully conscious of acting out of place.

27:7No rather, but may my enemies be as the undoing of the impious, and the ones rising up against me as the destruction of the lawbreakers.

27:8For what is the hope of the impious that he waits for? Is it in yielding upon the lord that he shall be delivered?

27:9or will God listen to his supplication? or when necessity comes upon him,

27:10shall he hold any confidence before him? or as one calling upon him, shall he listen to him?

27:11But indeed, I will announce to you what is in the hand of the lord; the things which are by the almighty I shall not lie about.

27:12Behold, you all know that you put vanity upon vanity.

27:13This is the portion of an impious man from the lord, and the possession of mighty ones shall come from the almighty upon them.

27:14And if his sons become many, they will be for slaughter; and if even they should arrive at manhood they shall beg.

27:15And the ones remaining of his shall come to an end in plague; and no one shall show mercy on their widows.

27:16If he should have gathered together silver as earth, and equally shall prepare gold as mortar,

27:17all these things the just shall procure, and of his things the true ones will control.

27:18And his house turned out to be as if for a moth, and as if for a spider.

27:19The rich man shall sleep, and shall not proceed; his eyes are opened wide, and he is no longer.

27:20Griefs meet up with him as if water; and by night the dark takes him.

27:21A burning wind takes him, and he shall go forth; and it shall winnow him from out of his place.

27:22And he shall cast upon him, and shall not spare; he shall flee into exile from out of his hand.

27:23He shall cause man to clap his hands against him, and he shall whistle at him from out of his place.