The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Leviticus 2

2:1And if a soul should bring a gift offering sacrifice to the lord, his gift offering shall be fine flour. And he shall pour upon it olive oil. And he shall place upon it frankincense -- it is a sacrifice.

2:2And he shall bring it to the sons of Aaron of the priests. And grabbing of it full by the handful of the fine flour with the olive oil and all its frankincense, that the priest shall place its memorial portion upon the altar -- a sacrifice scent of pleasant aroma to the lord.

2:3And the remainder of the sacrifice shall be for Aaron and his sons; it is a holy of the holies of the sacrifices of the lord.

2:4And if he should bring a gift offering sacrifice being baked in an oven, it shall be of fine flour, of unleavened breads being mixed up with olive oil, or unleavened breads pancakes being smeared all over in olive oil.

2:5And if a sacrifice from the frying pan is your gift offering, it shall be unleavened breads fine flour mixed up with olive oil.

2:6And you shall break them into pieces, and you shall pour upon them olive oil -- it is a sacrifice to the lord.

2:7And if your gift offering sacrifice be from the grate, it shall be made of fine flour with olive oil.

2:8And you shall bring the sacrifice, what ever he should have made of these, to the lord. And you shall bring it to the priest. And in drawing near to the altar,

2:9the priest shall remove from the sacrifice the memorial portion of it. And the priest shall place it upon the altar -- a yield offering scent of pleasant aroma to the lord.

2:10And the amount being left behind from the sacrifice shall be for Aaron and his sons, a holy of the holies of the yield offerings of the lord.

2:11Every sacrifice which ever you should bring to the lord, you shall not make leavened; for all yeast, and all honey you shall not offer of it, to yield to the lord a gift offering.

2:12Of first-fruit -- you shall bring them to the lord, but upon the altar they shall not be brought up for a scent of pleasant aroma to the lord.

2:13And every gift offering of your sacrifice shall be salted with salt. You shall not discontinue salt from the covenant of the lord with your sacrifices; you shall offer salt upon all your gift offering.

2:14And if you should bring a sacrifice of first produce to the lord, it shall be new parched ground green wheat to the lord. And thus shall you bring the sacrifice of the first produce.

2:15And you shall pour upon it olive oil. And you shall put upon it frankincense. It is a sacrifice offering.

2:16And the priest shall offer the memorial portion of it from the green wheat with the olive oil, and all its frankincense -- it is a yield offering to the lord.