The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Deuteronomy 19

19:1But whenever the lord your God should remove from view the nations which your God gives to you of their land, and you should inherit them, and should dwell in their cities, and in their houses;

19:2you shall draw apart to yourself three cities in the midst of your land, which the lord your God gives to you.

19:3Take thought to yourself of the way, and you shall make three parts the boundaries of your land which the lord your God divides to you, and it will be there for a refuge to every man-slayer.

19:4And this will be the order for the man-slayer, who ever should flee there, and shall live -- who ever should strike his neighbor unintentionally, and this one was not detesting him before yesterday and before the third day.

19:5And who ever should enter with the neighbor into the oak grove to bring wood, and his hand was knocked back with the axe while felling the wood, and the iron implement in falling off from the wood handle should happen by chance to strike the neighbor, and he should die; this one shall take refuge in one of these cities, and shall live.

19:6Lest the one acting as next of kin for blood pursue after the man-slayer, because his heart is overheated, and overtakes him, if it might be a longer way, and he strikes his life and he should die. And there is no judgment of death to this man, for he was not detesting him before yesterday and before the third day.

19:7Because of this I give charge to you this thing, saying, Three cities you shall draw apart to yourself.

19:8And if the lord your God should widen your borders, in which manner he swore by an oath to your fathers, and the lord should give to you all the land which he said he would give to your fathers;

19:9if you should listen to do all these commandments which I give charge to you today, to love the lord your God, to go in all his ways all the days; then you shall add to yourself again three cities to these three.

19:10And the blood of the innocent shall not be poured out in the land which the lord your God gives to you by lot, and there will not be among you blood liability.

19:11But if there should be a man detesting his neighbor, and he shall lie in wait for him, and should rise up against him, and should strike his life, and he should die, and he should flee into one of these cities;

19:12then they shall send the council of elders of his city, and they shall take him from there, and shall deliver him into the hands to the one acting as next of kin for blood, and he shall die.

19:13You shall not spare your eye for him, and you shall cleanse the blood for the innocent from out of Israel, and it will be good to you.

19:14You shall not move the boundaries of your neighbor, which they established, the ones prior of you among your inheritance, which you inherited in the land, which the lord your God gives to you by lot.

19:15You shall not adhere to one witness in witnessing against a man for any injustice, and for any sin, and for any sin which ever he should have sinned. By the mouth of two witnesses, and by the mouth of three witnesses every word shall be established.

19:16And if an unjust witness should stand against a man alleging his impiety;

19:17then the two men shall stand, in which the dispute is with them, before the lord, and before the priests, and before the judges -- the ones as might be in those days.

19:18And the judges should inquire exactly. And behold, if an unjust witness witnessed unjustly, and stood against his brother,

19:19then you shall do to him in which manner he devised wickedly to do against his brother, and you shall lift away the wicked from yourselves.

19:20And the rest hearing shall fear, and they shall not add again to do according to this wicked thing among you.

19:21Your eye shall not spare him; life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot; in so far as any should give a blemish to the neighbor, thus you shall give to him.