The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Deuteronomy 18

18:1There will not be to the priests, to the Levites, the entire tribe of Levi, a portion nor a lot with Israel. The yield offerings of the lord are their lot -- they shall eat them.

18:2And there will not be a lot to him among his brethren; the lord himself is his lot, in so far as he said to him.

18:3And this is the distinguishing thing of the priests -- the things from the people, from the ones sacrificing the sacrifices, if both a calf, or if also a sheep -- that you shall give the shoulder to the priest, and the jawbones, and the large intestine,

18:4and the first-fruits of your grain, and of your wine, and of your olive oil; and the first-fruit of the shearing of your sheep you shall give to him:

18:5for the lord your God chose him from out of all your tribes, to stand before the lord God, to officiate in the name of the lord, he and his sons all the days.

18:6And if the Levite should come from one of your cities of all the sons of Israel, of which he himself sojourns, that his soul desires, into the place which ever the lord should choose;

18:7then he shall officiate in the name of the lord his God, as all his brethren the Levites, the ones standing there before the lord.

18:8He shall eat a portion having been portioned, besides the sale of the things of his family.

18:9And whenever you should enter into the land which the lord your God gives to you, you shall not learn to do according to the abominations of those nations.

18:10There shall not be found in you one purging his son or his daughter in fire, or one using oracles for divination, or one prognosticating and foretelling,

18:11an administer of potions, one charming an enchantment, one who delivers oracles, and an observer of signs asking of the dead.

18:12For every one doing these things is an abomination to the lord your God. For because of these abominations the lord your God shall utterly destroy them from your face.

18:13You shall be perfect before the lord your God.

18:14For these nations which you inherit them, these shall hear prognostications and divinations; but to you the lord your God did not so give.

18:15A prophet from out of your brethren, as me, the lord your God shall raise up to you; him you shall hear.

18:16According to all as much as you asked of the lord your God in Horeb, in the day of the assembly, saying, We shall not add to hear the voice of the lord your God, and this great fire we shall not see any longer, nor shall we die.

18:17And the lord said to me, Rightly all as much as they spoke.

18:18I shall raise up a prophet to them from amidst their brethren, as you, and I shall put my word in his mouth; and he shall speak to them in so far as I give charge to him.

18:19And the man who ever should not hear his words, as many as the prophet should speak in my name, I shall exact punishment from him.

18:20Except the prophet, who ever should be impious to speak a word in my name, which I did not assign to him to speak, and who ever should speak in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.

18:21But if you should say in your heart, How shall we know the word which the lord spoke not?

18:22As many things as the prophet should speak in the name of the lord, and the thing should not take place, and this thing should not come to pass which the lord spoke not; through impiety the prophet spoke; you shall not receive from him.