The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jonah 2

2:1And Jonah prayed to the lord his God from out of the belly of the whale.

2:2And he said, I yelled my affliction to the lord my God, and he hearkened to me. From out of the belly of Hades was my cry; you heard my voice.

2:3You threw me into the depths of the heart of the sea, and rivers encircled me. All your crests and your waves went upon me.

2:4And I said, Have I been thrust away from your eyes? Surely I shall proceed to look towards your holy temple.

2:5Water was poured about me unto the soul. The deep encircled me to the extreme; my head went down.

2:6Into the fissures of mountains I went down; into the earth of which its bars are the eternal holds. Yet let my life ascend from corruption, O lord my God!

2:7In the faltering of my soul from me I remembered the lord; and may my prayer come to you in your holy temple.

2:8The ones watching vanities and lies abandoned their mercy.

2:9But I with the voice of praise and acknowledgment will sacrifice to you. As much as I vowed I will render to you. For my deliverance is by the lord.

2:10And it was assigned from the lord to the whale; and it cast out Jonah upon the dry land.