The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 38

38:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

38:2O son of man, firmly fix your face against Gog, and the land of Magog, ruler of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him!

38:3And say! Thus says the Lord the lord; Behold, I am against you ruler of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.

38:4And I will lead you about, and I will put a bridle into your jaws. And I will gather you, and all your force -- horses and horsemen, all putting on chest- plates; a great gathering -- small shields and helmets and swords;

38:5Persians, and Ethiopians, and Libyans; all with helmets and small shields.

38:6Gomer and all the ones around him; the house of Togarmah from the extreme north, and all the ones around him; and many nations with you.

38:7Be prepared! Prepare yourself! you and all your gathering being brought together with you. And you will be to me for an advance guard.

38:8After many more days he shall be prepared, and upon the latter end of years he shall come unto the land returning from swords being gathered from many nations upon the land of Israel, which was desolate wholly. And this one comes forth from out of nations; and they shall dwell in peace all together.

38:9And you shall ascend as rain, and shall come as a cloud to cover up the land -- and you shall be, and all the ones around you, and many nations with you.

38:10Thus says the Lord the lord; And it will be in that day things will ascend upon your heart, and you shall consider wicked devices.

38:11And you shall say, I will ascend upon the land having been thrown away; I will come upon ones being still at rest, and living in peace, all dwelling in a land in which no wall exists, nor bars, and there are no doors among them;

38:12to plunder plunder, and to despoil spoils, to turn my hand against the place having been made desolate which was settled, and against a nation being gathered from many nations, having produced possessions, dwelling upon the navel of the earth.

38:13Sheba, and Dedan, and merchants of Carthage, and all their towns shall say to you, For plunder you come to plunder, and to despoil spoils. You gathered together your gathering to take silver and gold, to carry away property, to despoil great spoils.

38:14On account of this, prophesy O son of man, and say to Gog! Thus says the lord; Will you not in that day, in the settling of my people Israel in peace, arise?

38:15And you shall come from out of your place, from the extreme of the north, and many nations with you, all riders having horses, a great gathering, and a great force.

38:16And you shall ascend against my people Israel as a cloud to cover the land. At the latter end of the days it will be. And I will lead you against my land, that all the nations shall know me, in my being sanctified among you before them.

38:17Thus says the Lord the lord; O Gog, you are concerning of whom I spoke about in former days, by the hand of my servants the prophets of Israel, the ones prophesying in those days and years, to lead you unto them.

38:18And it will be in that day, in the day which ever Gog should come against the land of Israel, says the Lord the lord, my rage shall ascend.

38:19And my zeal in fire of my anger I spoke. Assuredly, in that day there will be a great quake upon the land of Israel.

38:20And the fishes of the sea shall shake before my face, and the birds of the heaven, and the wild beasts of the plain, and all the reptiles crawling upon the earth, and all the men upon the face of the earth. And the mountains shall tear, and the ravines shall fall, and every wall upon the land shall fall.

38:21And I will call upon him every fear, says the lord. The sword of a man will be against his brother.

38:22And I will judge him by plague, and blood, and flooding rain, and stones of hail; and fire and sulphur I will rain upon him, and upon all the ones with him, and upon many nations with him.

38:23And I will be magnified, and I will be sanctified, and I will be glorified, and I shall be known before many nations, and they shall know that I am the lord.