The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 39

39:1And you, O son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus says the Lord the lord; Behold, I am against you Gog ruler of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal!

39:2And I will gather you, and I will lead you down, and I will haul you from the extreme north, and I will lead you upon the mountains of Israel.

39:3And I will destroy your bow from your left hand, and your arrows from your right hand.

39:4And I will throw you down upon the mountains of Israel; and you shall fall, you and all the ones around you. And the nations, the ones with you shall be given to a multitude of birds, to every winged creature; and I have given you to all the wild beasts of the plain to be devoured.

39:5Upon the face of the plain you shall fall, for I spoke, says the Lord the lord.

39:6And I will send fire upon Magog, and the islands shall be inhabited in peace. And they shall know that I am the lord.

39:7And my holy name will be known in the midst of my people Israel; and my holy name shall not be profaned any longer. And the nations shall know that I am the lord, the holy one in Israel.

39:8Behold, it is come, and you shall know that it will be, says the Lord the lord; this is the day in which I spoke.

39:9And the ones dwelling the cities of Israel shall come forth, and they shall kindle a fire with the weapons -- small shields, and shafts, and bows, and arrows, and rods of the hands, and lances; and they shall kindle with them a fire for seven years.

39:10And no way shall they take trees from out of the plain, nor shall they fell trees from out of the groves; but only the weapons shall they incinerate with fire. And they shall plunder the ones plundering them, and shall despoil the ones despoiling them, says the lord.

39:11And it will be in that day I will appoint Gog a place of renown -- a memorial in Israel, a cemetery of the ones coming by the sea. And they shall enclose the cleft of the ravine, and they shall bury Gog there, and all his multitude. And it shall be called then, The Cemetery of Gog.

39:12And the house of Israel shall bury them, that the land should be cleansed in seven months.

39:13And all the people of the land shall bury them; and it will be to them for a famous place in which day I was glorified, says the Lord the lord.

39:14And they shall give orders for men continually for coming over the land to bury the ones being left upon the face of the earth, to cleanse it. After the seven months, and they shall seek.

39:15And every one traveling over the land, and seeing the bone of a man, shall build a sign by it, until whenever the ones burying shall bury it in the cemetery of Gog.

39:16For even the name of the city is Cemetery; and the land shall be cleansed.

39:17And you son of man, thus says the Lord the lord; Speak to every winged bird, and to all the wild beasts of the plain! saying, Gather together and come! Be gathered together from all the surrounding places unto my sacrifice! which I sacrificed to you, a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, and you shall eat meats, and drink blood.

39:18You shall eat meats of giants, and you shall drink blood of rulers of the earth, rams, and calves, and he-goats, and the calves all growing fat.

39:19And you shall eat fat unto fullness, and you shall drink blood unto intoxication from my sacrifice in which I sacrificed to you.

39:20And you shall be filled from my table -- horse, and rider, and giant, and every male warrior, says the Lord the lord.

39:21And I will put my glory among you, and all the nations shall see my judgment which I did, and my hand which I brought upon them.

39:22And the house of Israel shall know that I am the lord their God, from this day and beyond.

39:23And all the nations shall know that the house of Israel was captured on account of their sin, because they annulled covenant against me, and I turned my face from them, and delivered them into the hands of their enemies, and they all fell by the sword.

39:24Because of their uncleannesses, and because of their violations of the law I did it to them, and I turned my face from them.

39:25On account of this, thus says the Lord the lord; Now I will return the captivity in Jacob, and I will show mercy on the house of Israel, and I will be jealous on account of my holy name.

39:26And they shall take their own dishonor, and the iniquity which they transgressed in their settling upon their land in peace, and there will not be one frightening,

39:27in my returning them from out of the nations, and my gathering them from out of the places of the nations; and I shall be sanctified among them before the nations.

39:28And they shall know that I am the lord their God in my appearing to them among the nations, in my gathering them upon their land. And I shall not abandon them any more -- not one there.

39:29And I shall not turn my face any longer from them, because I poured out my rage upon the house of Israel, says the Lord the lord.