The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 9

9:1And he shouted aloud into my ears with a great voice, saying, The punishment of the city has approached. And each had the items for the devastation in his hand.

9:2And behold, there were six men coming from the way of the high gate, of the one looking to the north. And each had a hewing axe for devastation in his hand; and one man in the midst of them was clothed in a foot length robe, and there was a belt of sapphire upon his loin. And they entered and stood next to the altar of brass.

9:3And the glory of the God of Israel ascended from the cherubim, (the glory being upon them,) into the open air of the house. And he called the man being clothed with the foot length robe, who had the belt upon his loin.

9:4And the lord said to him, Go through the midst of the city, and the midst of Jerusalem, and put the sign upon the foreheads of the men! of the ones groaning, and of the ones being grievously afflicted over all the lawless deeds, the ones taking place in the midst of them.

9:5And he said to these in my hearing, Go into the city behind him and smite! And you should not spare your eyes, and you should not show mercy.

9:6An older man, and a young man, and a virgin, and infants, and women -- kill unto wiping out! But upon all upon whom there is the sign, you should not approach. And begin from my holy places! And they began with the men of the elders who were inside in the house.

9:7And he said to them, Defile the house, and fill the ways of the dead, and smite the ones going forth!

9:8And it came to pass in their smiting, that I fell upon my face, and I yelled out, and said, Alas, Adonai, O lord, do you wipe away the remnant of Israel in the pouring out of your rage upon Jerusalem?

9:9And he said to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah has been magnified very exceedingly. For the land was filled of many peoples, and the city was filled with iniquity and uncleanness. For they say, The lord has abandoned the earth, the lord does not inspect it.

9:10And my eye shall not spare, nor shall I show mercy. I have imputed their ways against their heads.

9:11And behold, the man, the one being clothed with the foot length robe, and having the belt tied around his loin, even answered saying, I have done as you gave charge to me.