The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 10

10:1And I beheld, and behold, upon the firmament above the head of the cherubim was a likeness of a throne of sapphire stone over them.

10:2And he said to the man clothed by the robe, Enter into the midst of the wheels, of the ones underneath the cherubim, and fill your hands full of coals of fire from out of the midst of the cherubim, and scatter them upon the city! And he entered before me.

10:3And the cherubim stood at the right of the house, in the entering of the man. And the cloud filled the inner courtyard.

10:4And the glory of the lord departed from the cherubim into the open air of the house. And the house was filled with the cloud, and the courtyard was filled of the brightness of the glory of the lord.

10:5And the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard unto the outer courtyard, as the sound of God Saddai speaking.

10:6And it came to pass in his giving charge to the man, to the one being clothed in the holy robe, saying, Take fire from out of the midst of the wheels, from the place between the cherubim! And he entered and stood next to the wheels.

10:7And the cherub stretched out his hand into the midst of the fire, of the one being in the midst of the cherubim. And he took, and put it unto the hands of the one being clothed by the holy robe. And he took it and came forth.

10:8And I beheld the cherubim having likenesses of the hands of men from beneath their wings.

10:9And I beheld, and behold, four wheels stood next to the cherubim, one wheel being next to one cherub, and one wheel being next to one cherub. And the appearance of the wheels was as the appearance of carbuncle stone.

10:10And their appearance was as the likeness one to the four, in which manner whenever a wheel might be in the midst of a wheel.

10:11In their going they went in their four parts; they did not turn in their going. For unto which ever place the one head looked behind it they went, and they did not turn in their going.

10:12And all their flesh, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, and the wheels were full of eyes round about to the four wheels of them.

10:13And these wheels were called Gelgel in my hearing.

10:14And there were four faces to the one; the face of the one was the face of the cherub. And the the second face was a face of a man; and the third face a lion; and the fourth face an eagle.

10:15And the cherubim departed. This is the living creature which I saw by the river Chebar.

10:16And in the cherubim going, the wheels went, and these were next to them. And in the lifting away of the cherubim, of their wings to raise up on high from the earth, their wheels did not turn; and indeed they were by the ones next to them.

10:17In their standing, their wheels stood; and in their rising up on high, the wheels rose up on high with them; because spirit of life was in them.

10:18And the glory of the lord went forth from the open air of the house, and mounted upon the cherubim.

10:19And the cherubim lifted up their wings, and rose up on high from the earth before me, in their going forth, and the wheels were next to them. And they stood upon the thresholds of the gate of the house of the lord, of the one before. And the glory of the God of Israel was upon them up above.

10:20This is the living creature which I saw underneath the God of Israel by the river Chebar; and I knew that they are cherubim.

10:21Four faces to the one, and four wings to the one; and having a likeness of hands of men from beneath their wings,

10:22and the likeness of their faces -- these are the faces which I saw underneath the glory of the God of Israel by the river Chebar, in the vision of them. And these -- each of them went according to their face.