The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 16

16:1Let the heart of a man consider just things, that his footsteps should set right by God. All the works of the humble are apparent by God; but the impious shall be destroyed in an evil day.

16:5Every proud heart is unclean with God; and a man putting a hand against hands unjustly shall not be acquitted. The beginning of a good way is to do just things; and it is more acceptable by God rather than to sacrifice sacrifices. The one seeking the lord shall find knowledge with righteousness; and the ones rightly seeking him shall find peace. All the works of the lord are with righteousness; and the impious is kept for the evil day.

16:10An oracle is upon the lips of a king; but in judgment, in no way should his mouth be misled.

16:11The crux of the yoke balance scale is righteousness with God; and his works are just weights.

16:12The one doing evils is an abomination to a king; for with righteousness the throne of sovereignty is prepared.

16:13Just lips are acceptable to the king; and the lord loves straight words.

16:14The rage of a king is a messenger of death; but a wise man will appease him.

16:15The son of a king is in the light of life; and the ones acceptable to him are as a cloud of late rain.

16:16Nests of wisdom are more preferred than gold; and nests of intelligence more preferred than silver.

16:17The paths of life turn aside from evils; and the ways of righteousness are length of existence. The one receiving instruction will be among good things; and the one keeping reproofs shall be made wise. The one who guards his own ways gives heed to his own soul; and the one loving his life shall spare his mouth.

16:18Insolence takes the lead before destruction; and before a calamitous downfall evil thinking.

16:19Better a gentle-minded one with a low estate, than one who divides spoils with the arrogant.

16:20The one discerning in matters is an inventor of good things; and the one yielding upon God is most blessed.

16:21Men call the wise and discerning vile; but the ones sweet in words shall be heard much.

16:22The spring of life is insight to the ones acquiring; but the instruction of fools is evil.

16:23The heart of the wise shall comprehend the things from his own mouth; and upon lips he shall wear knowledge.

16:24Good words are honeycombs of honey; and the sweetness of them is healing for the soul.

16:25There are ways that seem to be straight to a man, however the finalities of them look into the lower branch of Hades.

16:26A man in toils toils for himself, and expels destruction from him.

16:27However the crooked man wears destruction upon his own mouth. A foolish man digs evils for himself; and upon his own lips treasures up fire.

16:28A crooked man spreads evils, and by the torch of treachery lights a fire for evils, and he parts friends.

16:29A man who is a lawbreaker puts his friends to test, and takes them ways not good.

16:30Fixing firmly his eyes, he devises perverted things; and he confirms with his lips all the evils; this man is a furnace of evil.

16:31The crown of boasting is old age; and it is found in the ways of righteousness.

16:32Better a lenient man than a strong man; and a man of intelligence than one having a great farm; and the one holding his anger is better than one overtaking a city.

16:33Into enfolded arms come all things to the unjust; but all just things are from the lord.