The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 17

17:1Better a morsel with satisfaction in peace, than a house full of many good things, and unjust things offered for sacrifices with battles.

17:2An intelligent servant shall prevail over foolish masters; and among brethren he shall divide portions.

17:3As silver and gold tried in a furnace; so choice hearts by the lord.

17:4A bad man obeys the tongue of lawbreakers; and an unjust man heeds lying lips.

17:5The one ridiculing the poor provokes the one making him. And the one rejoicing at one being destroyed shall not be acquitted; but the one showing compassion shall be shown mercy.

17:6Children's children are the crown of the aged; and children are the boasting of their fathers. The entire world of things is of the trustworthy; but for the unbelieving not an obolus.

17:7Trustworthy lips shall not suit a fool, nor lying lips to the just.

17:8Instruction to the ones employing it is a favorable wage; and where ever it shall turn, the way shall be prosperous.

17:9The one who hides offences seeks friendship; but the one who detests hiding it sets apart friends and family members.

17:10Intimidation breaks down the heart of the intelligent; but a fool being whipped does not perceive.

17:11Disputes arise with every evil man; but the lord shall send forth an unmerciful angel against him.

17:12Anxiety shall fall unto an intelligent man; but the fools shall argue evil things.

17:13The one who repays evil things for good things, evil things shall not be moved from out of his house.

17:14The sovereignty of righteousness shall give authority to words; but faction and fighting lead to lack.

17:15The one who judges the unjust as just, or the just as unjust, is unclean and abominable before God.

17:16Why did riches exist to the fool? for the heartless will not be able to acquire wisdom. The one who makes his own house high seeks destruction; and the one being crooked to learn shall fall into evils.

17:17For all time let the friend exist to you! let the brethren be profitable in distresses! for this favor they were born.

17:18A foolish man claps and rejoices over himself, as also the one guaranteeing a loan by surety for his own friend.

17:19The one fond of sinning rejoices in fights;

17:20and the hard-hearted one does not meet with good things. A man with a changeable tongue will fall into evils;

17:21and the heart of a fool is grief to its possessor. A father is not glad over an uninstructed son; but an intelligent son gladdens his mother.

17:22A heart being glad makes to be in good health; but a distressed man dries the bones.

17:23One receiving gifts in enfolded arms unjustly does not greatly prosper in the ways; and an impious man turns aside the ways of righteousness.

17:24The countenance of a wise man is discerning; but the eyes of the fool are unto the uttermost parts of the earth.

17:25A foolish son is anger to a father, and grief to the one birthing him.

17:26To penalize a just man is not good; nor is it sacred to plot against just monarchs.

17:27The one sparing to let go a hard word is an arbitrator; and a lenient man is intelligent.

17:28To an unthinking man asking, wisdom shall be imputed; and any dumb man doing for himself shall seem to be intelligent.