The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 18

18:1A man wanting to separate from friends seeks excuses; but at all time he will be reviled.

18:2One lacking of sense has no need for wisdom; for rather he is led by folly.

18:3Whenever the impious should come into a depth of evils, he pays no attention, and there comes upon him dishonor and scorn.

18:4A word in the heart of a man is deep water; and a river and a spring of life jump up.

18:5To admire the face of the impious is not good; nor is it sacred to turn aside the just in a judgment.

18:6Lips of a fool lead him into evils; and his bold mouth calls unto death.

18:7The mouth of a fool is destruction to him; and his lips are a snare for his soul.

18:8The lazy are thrown down by fear; and the souls of effeminate ones shall hunger.

18:9The one not repairing himself by his works is brother of the one laying himself waste.

18:10The name of the lord is of great strength; and the just are raised up high running up to it.

18:11The substance of a rich man is a fortified city; and its glory overshadows greatly.

18:12Before destruction the heart of a man is raised up high, and before glory it is humbled.

18:13The one who answers a word before hearing the matter, it is folly and scorn to him.

18:14An intelligent attendant calms the rage of a man; but a faint hearted man, who can endure.

18:15The heart of an intelligent man acquires perception; and ears of the wise seek insight.

18:16A gift of a man widens him; and sits him by monarchs.

18:17A just man, is an accuser of himself at the beginning of speaking; but when ever the opponent demands attention he is reproved.

18:18The lot ceases disputes, and among the monarchs it defines the bounds.

18:19A brother being helped by a brother is as a high and fortified city; and is strong as a well founded palace.

18:20From fruits of the mouth a man fills his belly; and from fruits of his lips he shall be filled up.

18:21Death and life are in the handle of the tongue; and the ones holding it shall eat of its fruits.

18:22The one who found a good wife, found favors; and he received happiness from the lord. The one who casts out a good woman, casts out good things; but the one holding on to an adulteress is foolish and impious.

18:23The needy utter sounds of supplications; but the rich man responds harsh.

18:24A man having friends is for friendship; and there is a friend cleaving to over a brother.