The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 19

19:1Better is one poor going in his simplicity, than one crooked of his lips, and he is unthinking.

19:2And even a soul without higher knowledge is not good; and the one hastening with the feet sins.

19:3The folly of a man lays waste his ways; and he blames God in his heart.

19:4Riches add many friends; but the poor one is forsaken even by the friend that exists.

19:5A lying witness shall not be unpunished; and the one accusing unjustly shall not escape.

19:6Many attend to the persons of a king; but every evil man becomes scorn to men.

19:7Every one who detests a poor brother will also be far from friendship. Good insight approaches to the ones perceiving it; and an intelligent man will find it. The many doing evil perfect a work of evil; and the one who aggravates by words shall not be delivered.

19:8The one acquiring intelligence loves himself; and the one guarding intelligence shall find good.

19:9A lying witness shall not be unpunished; and who ever shall kindle evil shall perish by it.

19:10Luxury is not advantageous to a fool, nor is it seemly if a servant should begin to be in power by insult.

19:11A merciful man is lenient, and his boasting comes upon lawbreakers.

19:12The intimidation of a king is likened to a lion's gnashing; but as dew upon the grass so is his making one happy.

19:13A foolish son is shame to a father; and vows paid out from the hire of a mistress are not pure.

19:14A house and substance is portioned by fathers to children; but by the lord a wife is accorded to a man.

19:15Dread holds down an effeminate man; and the soul of the idle hungers.

19:16The one who keeps the commandment gives heed to his own soul; but the one disdaining his own ways shall perish.

19:17The one showing mercy on the poor lends to God; and according to his gift he shall make recompense to him.

19:18Correct your son! for thus he will be confident; but do not lift up the soul to insult!

19:19An evil-minded man shall be penalized much; and if there should be injury, he shall add even his life.

19:20Hear, O son, the instruction of your father! that you should become wise unto your last days.

19:21Many devices are in the heart of a man; but the counsel of the lord abides into the eon.

19:22Charity is a fruit to a man; but better a poor just man, than a rich liar.

19:23Fear of the lord is life to a man; but the one without fear shall lodge in places where knowledge is not overseen.

19:24The man hiding his unjust hands in his enfolded arm, not even will he in any way bring them to his mouth.

19:25A fool being whipped of his mischievousness will be more clever; but if you should reprove an intelligent man he shall comprehend for good sense.

19:26The one dishonoring his father, and thrusting away his mother, he will be disgraced and reviled.

19:27A son ceasing to guard the instruction of a father shall meditate upon evil sayings.

19:28The one guaranteeing a loan of a foolish child insults the ordinance; and the mouth of the impious shall swallow down judgments.

19:29The whips are prepared for the unrestrained; and punishments in like manner for fools.