The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 13

13:1Thus says the lord, Proceed and acquire for yourself a flaxen linen loincloth, and put it around your loin! and you shall not go through water.

13:2And I acquired the loincloth according to the word of the lord, and I put it around my loin.

13:3And came to pass the word of the lord to me of a second time, saying,

13:4Take the loincloth, the one around your loin, and arise, and proceed unto the Euphrates, and hide it there in the hole of the rock!

13:5And I went, and hid it by the Euphrates, as the lord gave charge to me.

13:6And it came to pass after many days, and the lord said to me, Arise! Proceed unto the Euphrates, and take from there the loincloth! the one which I gave charge to you to hide it there.

13:7And I went unto the Euphrates, and I dug, and I took the loincloth from out of the place where I hid it there. And behold, it was ruined, which in no way should it be used for anything.

13:8And came to pass the word of the lord to me, saying,

13:9Thus says the lord, Thus shall I corrupt the insolence of Judah, and the insolence of Jerusalem;

13:10this great insolence of the ones not wanting to obey my words, and having gone in straightness of their wicked heart, and having gone after strange gods, to serve to them, and to do obeisance to them; and they will be as this loincloth which shall not be used yet for anything.

13:11For just as the loincloth cleaves around the loin of a man, so I cleaved to myself the house of Israel, and all the house of Judah, says the lord; to be to me for a famous people, and for a boasting. And for glory; and they did not hearken to me.

13:12And you shall say to the people this word, Thus says the lord, the God of Israel. Every leather bag shall be filled of wine. And it will be if they should say to you, Is it in not knowing that we shall not know that every leather bag shall be filled with wine?

13:13And you shall say to them, Thus says the lord, Behold, I shall fill all the ones dwelling this land, and their kings, the ones sitting down of the sons of David upon their throne, and the priests, and the prophets, and Judah, and all the ones dwelling in Jerusalem with strong drink.

13:14And I will disperse them, a man and his brother, and their fathers, and their sons in the same way; I will not long after them, says the lord, and I will not spare, and I will not pity at their ruin.

13:15Hear, and give ear, and do not be encouraged! for the lord spoke.

13:16Give to the lord your God glory! before the darkening, and before the stumbling of your feet upon dark mountains. And you shall await for light, and there is the shadow of death, and they shall be put into darkness.

13:17But if you should not hearken, secretly your soul shall weep from in front of insolence; and your eyes shall lead down tears. For the flock of the lord was broken up.

13:18Say to the king! and to the ones being in power, Be humbled, and sit down! for your crown of glory was demolished from your head.

13:19The cities, the ones towards the south were closed up, and there was not one opening. Judah was resettled, they completed in it a complete resettlement.

13:20Lift up your eyes, O Jerusalem, and behold the ones coming from the north! Where is the flock which was given to you, the sheep of your glory?

13:21What shall you say whenever they should visit you, and you taught them lessons for rule against yourself? Shall not pangs control you as a woman giving birth?

13:22And if you shall say in your heart, Why have these things met up with me? On account of the magnitude of your iniquity your posteriors were uncovered, to make an example of your heels.

13:23If the Ethiopian shall change his skin, and the leopard her colors, then you shall be able to do good while learning the bad.

13:24And I scattered them as sticks being carried by the wind into a wilderness.

13:25Thus your lot and portion for your resisting me, says the lord; as you forgot me and hoped upon lies.

13:26And I will uncover your rear unto your face, and your dishonor shall be seen.

13:27Your adultery, and your snorting, and the alienation of your harlotry upon the hills, and in the fields I have seen -- your abominations. Woe to you, O Jerusalem, for you were not cleansed to follow after me. For how long yet?