The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 12

12:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

12:2O son of man, you dwell in the midst of their iniquities, the ones who have eyes to see, and do not see; and have ears to hear, and do not hear. For it is a rebelling house.

12:3And you, O son of man, prepare for yourself items of captivity, and be as captured by day in their presence! And you shall be as captured from out of your place into another place before them, so that they should see, for it is a rebelling house.

12:4And you shall bring forth your items, items for a day of captivity before their eyes. And you shall go forth at evening before them as a captive goes forth before them.

12:5Dig for yourself into the wall! and you shall go completely through it.

12:6You shall be taken up before them upon a shoulder, and you shall go forth being hidden. You shall cover up your face, and in no way should you behold the ground. Because I have put you as a portent to the house of Israel.

12:7And I did so according to all as much as he gave charge to me. And I brought forth items for the day of captivity, and at evening I dug through the wall myself by hand; and being hidden I came forth; I was taken up upon a shoulder in the presence of them.

12:8And the word of the lord came to me in the morning, saying,

12:9O son of man, said not to you the house of Israel, the rebelling house, What are you doing?

12:10Say to them, Thus says Adonai the lord; To the ruler and one guiding in Jerusalem, even to all the house of Israel, the ones who are in the midst of them.

12:11Say that, I do portents. In which manner I have done, so will it be to them -- unto displacement and in captivity they shall go.

12:12And the ruler in the midst of them shall be lifted upon a shoulder, and being hid he shall come forth through the wall, and he shall dig through to come forth himself through it; he shall cover up his face, so that he should not be seen by an eye, and he shall not see the ground.

12:13And I will spread forth my net upon him, and he shall be seized in my encompassing about. And I will lead him into Babylon, into the land of Chaldeans. And he shall not see it, and he shall come to an end there.

12:14And all the ones round about him, his helpers, and all the ones assisting him, I will scatter to all the wind, and I will pour out a broadsword after them.

12:15And they shall know, for I am the lord, in my scattering them among the nations. And I will scatter them in the places.

12:16And I will leave of them a few men in number from the broadsword, and from famine, and from plague; so even they may tell in detail all their lawless deeds among the nations of which they entered there; and they shall know that I am the lord.

12:17And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

12:18O son of man, you shall eat your bread with grief, and you shall drink your water with torment and affliction.

12:19And you shall say to the people of the land, Thus says Adonai the lord, to the ones dwelling in Jerusalem upon the land of Israel; they shall eat their bread loaves with lack, and they shall drink their water with obliteration, so that the land should be extinct with its fullness in impiety of all the ones dwelling in it.

12:20And their cities being dwelt in shall be made quite desolate, and the land will be for extinction; and you shall realize that I am the lord.

12:21And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

12:22O son of man, what is this parable to you concerning the land of Israel, saying, The days are far off; all vision has perished?

12:23On account of this, say to them! Thus says Adonai the lord; Even I will turn back this parable, and no longer should the house of Israel speak this parable. For you shall say to them, The days have approached, and the matter of every vision.

12:24For there will no longer be any false vision, nor one using oracles for favor in the midst of the sons of Israel.

12:25For I the lord will speak my words, and I will act; and I will not lengthen the time still. For in your days, O rebelling house, I shall speak the word, and I will act, says Adonai the lord.

12:26And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

12:27O son of man, behold, the house of Israel, the one rebelling. In saying they say, The vision which this man sees is for many days, and this one prophesies for long times.

12:28On account of this, say to them! Thus says Adonai the lord; I shall not lengthen any longer all my words which ever I should speak, for I shall speak a word, and I shall act, says Adonai the lord!