The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 2

2:1The word coming to Isaiah son of Amoz concerning Judea, and concerning Jerusalem.

2:2For it will be in the last days the mountain of the lord will be apparent, and the house of God will be upon the uppermost part of the mountains, and it shall be raised up high above the hills; and all the nations shall come unto it.

2:3And many nations shall go and shall say, Come, for we should ascend unto the mountain of the lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob; and he will announce to us his way; and we shall go in it. For from out of Zion shall come forth law, and the word of the lord from out of Jerusalem.

2:4And he shall judge in the midst of the nations; and he shall completely refute many people. And they shall cut down their swords into plows, and their pikes into sickles. And a nation shall not take a sword against a nation, and in no way should they learn yet to wage war.

2:5And now, O house of Jacob, come and we should go to the light of the lord.

2:6For he forsook his people, the house of Jacob; for their place was filled up as from the beginning of ones prognosticating, as that of the Philistines; and many Philistine children were born to them.

2:7For they filled up their place with silver and gold, and there was no limit to the number of their treasures; and they filled up the land with horses, and there was no limit to the number of their chariots.

2:8And they filled up the land with the abominations of the works of their hands; and they did obeisance to the ones which they made by their fingers.

2:9And people bowed, and each man was abased; and in no way will I spare them.

2:10And now, enter to the rock, and hide in the earth from in front of the fear of the lord, and from the glory of his strength, whenever he should rise up to devastate the earth!

2:11For the eyes of the lord are high, but man is low; and the height of men shall be abased, and the lord alone shall be raised up high in that day.

2:12For the day of the lord of Hosts is upon every one insulting and proud; and upon every one high and elevated -- and they shall be abased;

2:13and upon every cedar of Lebanon, of the ones high and elevated; and upon every acorn tree of Bashan;

2:14and upon every high mountain; and upon every high hill;

2:15and upon every high tower; and upon every high wall;

2:16and upon every boat of the sea; and upon every spectacle of boats of beauty.

2:17And every man shall be abased; and the haughtiness of men shall fall; and the lord alone shall be raised up high in that day.

2:18And they shall hide all the things made by hand,

2:19carrying them into the caves, and into the fissures of the rocks, and into the burrows of the earth, from in front of the fear of the lord, and from the glory of his strength, whenever he should rise up to devastate the earth.

2:20For that day a man will cast out his abominations, the things made of silver and gold which they made to do obeisance to the vain things, and to the bats,

2:21to enter into the burrows of the solid rock, and the fissures of the rocks, from in front of the fear of the lord, and from the glory of his strength, whenever he should rise up to devastate the earth.

2:22Cease yourself from the man breathing by his nostril; for by what is he considered?