The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 25

25:1O lord my God, I will glorify you, I shall sing praise to your name; for you did wonderful things; true ancient counsel. May it be.

25:2For you made cities into a heap of embankments, cities fortified to not fall of their foundations. The city of the impious in no way should be built for the eon.

25:3On account of this, the poor people shall bless you, and cities of men being wronged shall bless you.

25:4For you became a helper to every humble city, and a protection to the ones depressed on account of lack; you shall rescue them from wicked men; a protection to the ones thirsting, and a fresh wind for men being wronged;

25:5as faint-hearted men thirsting in Zion, for you shall rescue them from impious men, to whom you delivered us.

25:6And the lord of Hosts shall make a feast for all the nations; upon this mountain they shall drink in gladness, they shall drink wine.

25:7They shall anoint with a perfumed liquid on this mountain. You deliver all these things to the nations, for this plan is for all the nations.

25:8Death swallowed prevailing; and again the lord God removed every tear from every face; he removed the scorn of the people from all the earth; for the mouth of the lord spoke.

25:9And they shall say in that day, Behold, our God upon whom we hoped, even he shall deliver us. This is the lord. We waited for him, and we exulted and were glad over our deliverance.

25:10God will give rest upon this mountain, and the land of Moab shall be trampled, in which manner they tread the threshing-floor with wagons.

25:11And he shall unfasten his hands, in which manner even as he humbled to destroy. And he shall humble his insolence upon which he put his hands.

25:12And the height of the refuge of your house he will lower; and it shall go down unto the ground.