The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Nahum 3

3:1O city of blood, entirely false, full of iniquity, the game shall not be handled.

3:2The sound of whips, and the sound of quaking of wheels, and the pursuing horse, and the chariot stirring up,

3:3horseman ascending, and of the shining broadsword, and flashing shields; and the multitude of slain, and of a heavy downfall; and there was no limit to her nations, and they shall be weak in their bodies from a multitude of harlotry;

3:4a good harlot, and gratifying, taking the lead in potions; the one selling nations in her harlotry, and tribes with her potions.

3:5Behold, I am against you, says the lord almighty. And I will uncover your behind in your presence, and I will show the nations your shame, and to kingdoms your dishonor.

3:6And I will cast upon you an abomination according to your uncleannesses, and I will make you for an example.

3:7And it will be all the ones seeing you shall go from you, and shall say, Wretched Nineveh, who shall moan her? From what place shall I seek comfort to her?

3:8Tune the string of the lyre! Prepare a part for Amon, the one inhabiting in rivers! Water is round about her, whose rule is the sea, and her walls water.

3:9Ethiopia is her strength, and Egypt. And there stood no limit of your flight into exile. Put and Libya became her helpers.

3:10And she into displacement shall go captive; and her infants they shall dash upon corners of all her ways; and over all her honorable things they shall cast lots, and all her great men shall be tied with manacles.

3:11And you shall be intoxicated. And you shall be for overlooking, and you shall seek for yourself a position from enemies.

3:12All your fortresses are as you, having fruits, and if they should be shaken, they shall fall into the mouth of ones eating.

3:13Behold, your people are as women among you to the ones your enemies. By opening the gates of your land shall be open. Fire shall devour the bars of your gates.

3:14Draw water to yourself for being encompassed about! Secure your fortresses! Step into the mortar, and trample it together with straw! Secure it more than with a brick!

3:15There the fire shall devour you; the broadsword shall utterly destroy you; it shall devour you as a locust, and you shall be oppressed as a grasshopper.

3:16You multiplied your trade above the stars of the heaven. The grasshopper advanced and spread forth.

3:17Your consolidation leaped out as the small locust, as the locust mounted upon a fence on an icy day; the sun rises, and it hops, and knows not its place -- woe to them.

3:18Your shepherds slumbered, O king of Assyria, your mighty ones rested. Your people departed unto the mountains, and there was none looking out for them.

3:19There is no healing to your destruction; your wound is inflamed. All the ones hearing the message of you clap hands over you. For upon whom did your evil not come upon continually?