The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 39

39:1And the leftover blue and purple and the scarlet they made into apparels for the ministry of Aaron, for the officiating in them in the holy place, as the lord gave orders to Moses.

39:2And they made the shoulder-piece from out of gold, and blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen being twined.

39:3And the panels were trimmed apart, of the hairs of gold, so as to weave together with the blue and the purple, and with the scarlet being spun, and with the linen being twined -- a woven work they made it;

39:4shoulder-pieces held together by both of the parts; a woven work into one another being closely joined to itself.

39:5From it they made according to the same making, of gold, and blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen being twined, as the lord gave orders to Moses.

39:6And they made both of the stones of emerald, being clasped together and being inlaid in gold, being carved and being engraved -- an engraved seal of the names of the sons of Israel.

39:7and they placed them upon the shoulders of the shoulder-piece; they are stones of memorial of the sons of Israel, as the lord gave orders to Moses.

39:8And they made the oracle -- a woven work in embroidery, according to the work of the shoulder-piece; of gold, and blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen being twined.

39:9They made the oracle four-cornered double. A span was the length, and a span was the breadth, doubled.

39:10And they wove together in it a woven work inlaid with precious stones, arranged in four rows. A row of stones -- sardius, and topaz, and emerald, was the one row.

39:11And the second row -- carbuncle, and sapphire, and jasper.

39:12And the third row -- amber, and agate, and amethyst;

39:13and the fourth row -- chrysolite, and beryl, and onyx; being surrounded by gold and being tied together by gold.

39:14And the stones were of the names of the twelve sons of Israel, of their twelve names being engraved seals, each of its own name for the twelve tribes.

39:15And they made a border upon the oracle, a work of wreath being closely joined from out of pure gold.

39:16And they made two bezels of gold, and two rings of gold.

39:17And they placed the two rings of gold upon both the corners of the oracle. And they placed the wreaths of gold upon the two rings, upon both of the parts of the oracle, and for the two couplings for the two wreaths.

39:18And they placed them upon the two bezels of the shoulders of the shoulder-piece, right opposite down in front.

39:19And they made two rings of gold. And they placed them upon the two fins at the tip of the oracle upon the tip of the posterior of the shoulder-piece from inside.

39:20And they made two rings of gold, and placed them upon both of the shoulders of the shoulder-piece from below it, down in front, down from the coupling from above the woven part of the shoulder-piece.

39:21And he fastened the oracle by the rings upon it, to the rings of the shoulder-piece, to hold it together -- from out of blue, being closely joined into the woven work of the shoulder-piece, that the oracle would not slacken from the shoulder-piece, as the lord gave orders to Moses.

39:22And they made the undergarment under the shoulder-piece, a woven work, entirely of blue.

39:23And the cleft of the undergarment was in the middle, being interwoven closely, having an edge round about the cleft, reinforced.

39:24And they made upon the hem of the undergarment from below as it were of a blossoming pomegranate -- figures of pomegranates of blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen being twined.

39:25And they made bells of gold. And they placed the bells upon the hems of the undergarment round about, between the figures of pomegranates.

39:26Bells of gold and pomegranate figures upon the hem of the undergarment round about, for the officiating, as the lord gave orders to Moses.

39:27And they made garments of fine linen, a woven work, for Aaron and his sons. And the turbans from out of linen,

39:28and the mitre from out of linen, and the pants from out of linen being twined;

39:29and their belts from out of linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, the work of an embroiderer, in which manner the lord gave orders to Moses.

39:30And they made the golden panel, a separation offering for the holy place, of pure gold. And they wrote upon it letters being shaped as of a seal, Sanctified to the lord.

39:31And they put upon it a hem of blue, so as to rest upon the mitre above, in which manner the lord gave orders to Moses.

39:32And all work of the tent of the testimony was completed. And the sons of Israel made according to all whatsoever the lord gave orders to Moses.

39:33And they brought the tent to Moses, and all the items for it, and its rings, and its posts, and its bars, and its stanchions, and its bases,

39:34and the leather coverings of the skins of rams dyed red, and the skin coverings of blue, and the veil,

39:35and the ark of the testimony, and its poles, and the altar,

39:36and the table, and all its utensils, and the bread loaves of the place setting,

39:37and the pure lamp-stand, and its lamps -- lamps for burning, and all its utensils, and the oil for the light,

39:38and the golden altar, and the oil for the anointing, and the incense of the composition, and the draw curtain of the door of the tent,

39:39and the altar of brass, and its grate brass, and its bearing poles, all its items, and the bathing tub, and its base,

39:40and the shrouds of the courtyard, and the posts, and its bases, and the draw curtain of the gate of the courtyard, and its lines, and its stanchions, and all the work tools, the ones for the works of the tent of the testimony, and the robes of the ministries for the ministering in them in the holy place,

39:41and the apparels of the holy place which are for Aaron, and the apparels of his sons for the priesthood.

39:42According to all as much as the lord gave orders to Moses, thus the sons of Israel made all the accoutrements. And Moses saw all the works; and they were doing them in the manner the lord gave orders

39:43to Moses; thus they did them, and Moses blessed them.