The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 38

38:1And he made an altar for whole burnt-offering out of incorruptible wood; of five cubits was the length, and five cubits the breadth; the altar was four-cornered, and its height three cubits.

38:2And he made the horns. Upon the four corners of it were the horns, and he covered them in brass.

38:3And he made a rim on the altar, and the lid for it, and the bowls for it, and the meat hooks for it, and the censer for it; and all the utensils for it he made of brass.

38:4And he made for it a latticed brass grate work.

38:5And he made for the grate four rings of brass upon the four sides. And he placed them under the grate of the altar from below; and the grate was unto half the altar.

38:6And he made the bearing poles for the altar out of incorruptible wood; and he brass plated them in brass.

38:7And he inserted the bearing poles at the sides of the altar in the lifting it! He made it hollow planked.

38:8And he made the brass bathing tub, and the brass base of it from out of the mirrors of the women that fasted, who fasted by the doors of the tent of the testimony.

38:9And he made for the courtyard, the one towards the south, shrouds for the courtyard from out of linen being twined -- a hundred by a hundred.

38:10And their posts -- twenty, and their twenty brass bases. And their hooks and their clips were of silver.

38:11And the side towards the north was a hundred by a hundred. And their posts -- twenty, and their twenty, brass bases. And their hooks, and their clips were of silver.

38:12And the side towards the west -- curtains of fifty cubits; their posts -- ten, and their bases -- ten, and their hooks, and their clips were of silver.

38:13And the side towards the east -- shrouds of fifty cubits,

38:14of fifteen cubits according to the back, and their posts -- three, and their bases -- three.

38:15And upon the back of the second on this side and that side according to the gate of the courtyard -- curtains of fifteen cubits, and their posts -- three, and their bases -- three.

38:16All the curtains for the tent were of linen being twined.

38:17And the bases, the ones of their posts were of brass, and their hooks were of of silver, and their tips being silver plated in silver; and the posts being silver plated in silver, all the posts of the courtyard.

38:18And the veil of the gate of the courtyard was a work of an embroiderer, of blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen being twined; twenty cubits was the length, and the height and breadth five cubits, being made equal to the shrouds of the courtyard.

38:19And their posts -- four; and their bases -- four, were of brass; and their hooks were of silver, and their tips being silver plated in silver.

38:20And all the stanchions of the courtyard round about were of brass.

38:21And this was the arrangement of the tent of the testimony, as was given orders to Moses; the ministration to be of the Levites through Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.

38:22And Bezaleel the son of Uri, of the tribe of Judah, made as the lord gave orders to Moses,

38:23and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, who supervised construction -- the woven works, and the stitched works, and the embroideries, woven in the blue and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen.

38:24All the gold which was manufactured for the works according to all the work of the holies, was of the gold of the first-fruit -- nine and twenty talents, and seven hundred and thirty shekels, according to the holy shekel.

38:25And of the silver and the choice-portion offering from the men being numbered of the congregation -- a hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred seventy five shekels, one drachma per head, the half shekel, according to the holy shekel,

38:26for every one passing into the numbering, from a son twenty years and up, for the sixty ten thousands, and three thousand and five hundred fifty.

38:27And came to pass the hundred talents of silver for the molten casting of the tips of the tent, and for the tips of the veil; a hundred tips for the hundred talents, a talent to the tip.

38:28And the thousand seven hundred seventy five shekels he made for the hooks for the posts; and he gilded their tips, and adorned them.

38:29And the brass of the choice-portion offering was three hundred seventy talents, and two thousand and four hundred shekels.

38:30And they made from out of it the bases of the door of the tent of the testimony, and the altar of brass with its grate, and all the utensils of the altar,

38:31and the bases of the courtyard round about, and the bases of the gate of the courtyard, and the stanchions of the tent, and the stanchions of the courtyard round about.